Chapter Twenty Eight

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I froze on the spot and wondered what the hell to do, I shoved the note back
into my pocket shaking like a leaf, how could he take this risk? What if the note had fallen out of my pocket and someone else had read it? I must have looked really pale as Jayden asked if I was ok. I nodded and we look our seats on the plane to come home. I was quiet all the way and didn't say a word; I think Jay must have known something was up. Logan was really good and only woke up a few times, it seemed so much longer flying home but perhaps that was just me.

When we got back home I had made my mind up not to wreck my marriage, I loved Jayden and he was a good husband and Daddy. It would break his heart if we ever parted, I married him for a reason and I meant the vows I took. Ok I did fancy Alphie but I wasn't going to wreck my marriage because of a piece of eye candy. I burnt the note and tried to forget all about him, I didn't even mention it to Delinda when we next spoke on the phone. I concentrated on being happy as I was before with Jay and our little boy, we had a party to plan as it was Logan' first birthday coming up soon,. I wanted everything to go well and it to be as special as he was. There was also something else I had my mind on but I wasn't going to let that get in the way of Logan's special day. I started the prep for the party organising the venue and ordering the cake, I sent out invitations and decided on the games to play. We bought Logan a walking talking dinosaur and some other bits to go with it, dinosaurs was his thing and he loved watching them on the television. We had redecorated his room with dinosaurs and a landscape of the rain forest. It was really bright and intriguing, it was just perfect.
The day arrived of Logan's party and everything went to plan, he received some lovely gifts and cards and joined in all the party games with his friends we played. He had a really enjoyable day, he blew the candles out on the cake and we all sang happy birthday to him which made him smile. When we arrived home Logan was so zonked out and fast asleep in his car seat, he was so tired from all the running around and having fun. We gently took him from the car and put him down for a sleep, he looked so beautiful. I couldn't believe my little boy was a year old already.

Now the party had come and gone I now had to focus some of my attention to myself, I wanted to carry on with my modelling in England with Reuben's company. I wanted to know how it was coming along so I gave him a call. He told me everything was forming together nicely and was all in place. I just had to sit and wait. Time passed and I received a long awaited call from him, he said the building was now completed and he needed me to go in and help set up the agency. He mentioned he would be arriving within the week to come over and help, there was a lot to organise before we could open. I wanted to make sure the office and rooms were adequate and were up to date yet a relaxing environment. Reuben arrived as planned and had booked himself into a local hotel, he wasn't sure how long he would be here for but said he would stay for as long as he was needed. He wasn't in a rush to get back and wanted to make sure I was happy before he left.

I managed my time between family life and setting up the agency and it was going really well, all was tying in quite nicely and I found it all really easy to manage. I couldn't see it being a problem when Reuben went home for me then to take over as manageress. I felt really happy and content and I would even say proud of myself for achieving something, other than what I was and people only saw me as which was just a mother. Don't get me wrong being a mother is a full time job in itself but I wanted people to see I was capable than doing more than just that. The agency was looking really suave and sophisticated; I had placed photographs of local models on the walls including a few of myself. I could really see this agency going well with plus size ladies all across the UK coming to have photographs taken and hoping to get on our books. We already had lots of girls profiles who had enquired when they first heard about us but they all needed to be interviewed and have a photo session to see how they came across in front of the camera.

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