Chapter Twenty Five

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 We all wondered what on earth was wrong; we got Jayden to sit down to explain. 

 "It's all a waste of time; we were so excited we rushed into it too soon"

 "What do you mean" I piped up

 "Steve the estate agent was helping another client find out about moving abroad who hadn't made any plans yet but are seriously thinking about moving so Steve called the U.S Embassy in London for them and found out even with an application it can take up to a couple of years for everything to finalise and move from the date of our application so the house we just looked at isn't going to be ours after all"

 I felt tears fall from my eyes and I just stared at him, why didn't we find this out and just assume it would only take a matter of months.  How could I, we have been so stupid.

Delinda put her arm around us both to comfort us and I saw the tears in her eyes, she was hurting for us too.

 "I suppose I had better get in contact with Reuben to let him know the move is off, I just hope he can terminate the contract I signed up to as I won't be here to do the modelling now"

 Jayden got up from his seat and came over to me and kissed me on the cheek then hugged me tightly

"I'm so sorry babe, I know you had your heart on this modelling contract and making a family life here too"

I kissed him back and said                             

"Don't worry we will get through this somehow"

I reached for a bottle of vodka nearby; I'm not normally one to drink spirits and so early in the day but I needed something to calm me down as I was shaking.  I poured Jayden and Delinda one too. 

"Here's to the crappy U.S Embassy for screwing up our lives so quickly but here's to a change of something new"

 We clinked our glasses together and said


Here's to new things to come I thought, Im not going to let them get the better of me and I will succeed in my plus modelling.  Fighting talk I thought, when life knocks you down you have to get back up and fight like a bitch.

 We all went to see Reuben to explain the bad news; I hadn't seen him since we got over here so it's going to be a mixture of emotions.  We arrived at the entrance and walked, I went up to the reception and said

 "I would like to see Reuben Saunders please"

 "Just one moment, I remember you, your name is . . . . "

"Klohie, Klohie Price"

 "Ah yes I remember your name now, thank you I'll see if I can get him on the phone. Please take a seat"

 The receptionist made the call and I could hear her speaking to Reuben although I couldn't make out what she was saying

 "He's on his way down Miss Price"

 "Thank you, much appreciated"

 A short while later I see Reuben walking down the stairs

 "Ah my English Rose"

 "Hello Reuben how are you?"

 "Even better now I have seen you my lovely and hello to you Delinda, Logan and if my mind serves me right Logan"

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