Chapter Twenty One

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 We boarded the flight and we were on our way home, unfortunately.  It seemed quicker getting home than it did flying out.  It will still be nice to get back to my home and my bed though, its one of the things I really miss when I go away.  We were well into the flight now and all I kept thinking of was the modelling I did and how we all had a wonderful holiday together, the place was so nice and the people were so friendly.  We were nearly home and we were on the last leg of the journey; it had been a good flight and we only had a short drive from the airport to get home.  We touched down on land and saw the sign for Heathrow airport, not long now I thought.  We found our luggage, headed for the car and drove home.  We pulled into the drive, turned the engine off, got the luggage from the boot and inserted the key into the front door.  Ahhh, home at last.

 We picked the pile of post up and put the kettle on; I fed Logan, changed his bottom and popped in on the floor to have a roll about.  I had really noticed a change in him since we had been away; he had grown so much and had learnt to roll over by himself now.  I quickly called Delinda to let her know we were home ok, obviously it was a different time zone over there but she told me to call what ever time it was to let her know we were ok.  After I came off the phone I made that cuppa for Jayden and I, we stood in the kitchen and looked at each other and we gave each other a big cuddle.

 "I love you Jay"

 "I love you too Klohie, more than you will ever know"

 As I was drinking my drink I started to open the cases to do my first lot of washing, nothing like the present I thought.  It's the worst part of coming home but it had to be done, I sorted all the cases out and emptied them.  I put them away for next time, hoping it would be soon.  Jayden and I watched a bit of television and had cuddles with Logan on our laps, we were all sleepy so we decided to go to bed for a sleep.  I put Logan down in his cot and Jay and I slipped in to bed too, we gave each other a hug and closed our eyes.  I dreamt of becoming a famous plus size model and making it big in the fashion world, I wanted to show everyone what I was made of and show them I had gained my confidence since being bullied.

 Next morning it was back to the usual routine and back to the norm, Jayden still had a couple of days left until he went back to work so he could get over the jetlag.  We visited our parents and took  some gifts round to give them that we brought back from holiday, we paid them both a surprise visit.

When we got back home I decided it was time to have that all important discussion with Jayden that I'd been holding back on, I said I wanted to talk to him about something and he seemed concerned.  I think he thought I was pregnant again but I told him it wasn't to do with that,

 "Jayden, did you have a nice time on holiday?"

 "Sure, I really enjoyed it, why is there a problem?"

 "No there isn't a problem hun, how do you feel about the modelling I did there?  What if the modelling really took off and I needed to be in Beverley Hills all the time for photo shoots?"

 "Well you know I support you 100% and I always will do, it would be great if you made it big and you succeeded in becoming a top class model, in regards to you being there all the time, can I ask what you are implying?"

 "Well I was wondering if we could give it some thought on moving out there full time, I think there are more opportunities for me in my modelling career.  My modelling contract is nearly up here with Enchanted dreams and I thought I could still do my hairdressing part time and you could maybe find a job like a truck driver or something, what do you think?"

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