Chapter Ten

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I heard my name called, I had done it.  I had actually made it to the next round and I was ecstatic.  I had one more audition to get to the finals, I drove home even happier than the last time. 

 A few more days passed and I received another letter inviting me to the next audition, I made arrangements to go and was all prepared.  This time it was modelling evening wear, I laughed to myself and thought it's a bit like Miss World.

Another week later and I was driving back, I was beginning to know the route off by heart now and didn't need the sat nav.

 I recognised most of the girls who got through and had spoken to before, unbelievably there was no bitchiness which you would expect at a modelling competition and this was like a competition as we were all competing for the winning position. I paraded down the catwalk and held my head up high; I was determined to get spotted to go through to the last round.  I thought if Kate Moss could do it, so could I. 

 I wanted to achieve something else in my life other than passing my city in guilds in hairdressing and becoming a stylist, I wanted something else my parents could be proud of me for.  Most of all I was doing this for me, to prove to myself I am really worth something. 

It was another enjoyable day and I was making friends, I was having fun and it was just like a social event but not forgetting why I was here. 

 The end of the day came round again and we were split into 2 groups in different rooms, I assumed they had divided us to tell us that one room had got through and the others hadn't.  I waited patiently but on tender hooks to know if I had been chosen to go into the final 7, well guess what, I had only gone and done it.  I was through to the final; us girls who got through started hugging each other and crying.  I did feel sorry for the others but this was my time to shine.

 When I got home I contemplated weather to tell people what I had been up to, if I did win I think I would want my family and friends to be there.   I decided to leave things as it was and chew it over a while.  I received a phone call the following day from Enchanted dreams limited personally inviting me to the final.  I decided to spills the beans and tell everyone what I had been up to, the first person I told was Jayden who was elated

"I knew you could do it" he said. 

"Well I haven't made it yet but I'm close"

"I have every faith in you" he said and gave me a huge hug and kiss. 

The next people I told were my colleagues who were delighted and my parents who were equally excited about the whole thing. 

My parents and Jayden agreed they would be there and wouldn't miss it for the world, unfortunately the girls had to work that day and couldn't be there but they wanted to know all about it when I got home. 

 It was here, the final was today.  This was the day I had been waiting for to show my ability at modelling and I wanted to win.  I had never wanted anything in my life so badly and I was going to fight for it now.  I didn't want the judges to think I was big headed or cocky but to see me as full of confidence and for them to see how far I had come since my first audition. 

We all walked in and there were lots of guests already seated in two parts with the catwalk running up the middle, I didn't realise it was going to be so large, it was decorated with flowers all around it and on the table beside it was bouquets of flowers and a tiara to be presented to the winner.  The judge's seats were reserved and the fashion designers seats were behind them, I wanted them to see what I was made of. 

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