Chapter Seventeen

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We arrived home and the first thing we did was show little Logan around his new home, as he didn't make any noise, Jayden and I both laughed and said he must be happy and we had his approval.

 We had had so many friends and family over to see Logan and us; Logan was so lucky and had been given more presents.  He had lots of little blue things give to him now everyone now knew he was definitely a little boy.

 Logan loved his baths and loved splashing his legs and feet around in the water, I'm sure he found it relaxing and it often soothed him before a sleep.  I always added a drop of baby bath oil to relax him too and when got him towel dried and dressed again he smelt gorgeous, especially with the baby powder on.  I love the smell of freshly bathed babies.

We had started to enjoy being a family and going out altogether, we went out walking with Logan in his new pram and Logan loved the motion of the car as it always sent him to sleep. 

 When Jayden went back to work I felt lonely and thought I'd give social networking a go so I could chat to some friends during the day, I found an old friend who I went to school with and we got chatting.  Delinda now lived in America, to be precise Beverley hills.   We chatted for a weeks about everything, catching up with each others lives and what we had been doing.  I was speaking to her one day and she told me she had a surprise for me, she had booked a flight to come and see me.  I was so excited; I was going to meet up with my friend after 21 years.  She had booked to come over to England in another 4 weeks, I didn't have long to wait.

We continued to chat over the next few weeks and we planned days out to keep us busy while she was here, Delinda was visiting for 2 weeks.

 I received a phone call from Los Angeles international airport, it was Delinda.  She was about to catch her flight over to see me, she said she was going to call me when she arrived at Heathrow airport. It was about a 12 hour flight, all I had to do now was wait.  Jayden, Logan and I went to bed and had an early night as we would have to be up early next morning for the arrival of my friend.  Jayden went to work as normal and I got up and made coffee, Logan slept in. 

The phone rang it was Delinda she was now about to get the taxi to our house and would be about another couple of hours, we both were so excited.

Logan was now awake so I bathed him gave him his milk and got him changed in to a really cute outfit. 

I looked at the clock it said 10am, she would be here any moment, Logan was a wake so he could meet her as she walked in.  About another fifteen minutes of waiting and a car pulled up, it was Delinda in the taxi, she was actually here.

 My heart began to race and I found myself pacing up and down the living room waiting for the doorbell to ring, I opened the door and there she stood.

We threw our arms around each other and we both had a few tears, it was so nice to see her again.

She looked so good, I hardly recognised her.  She was looking gorgeous, she had long straight black hair with her shades placed on top of her head, her make up was done beautifully, her nails were long and polished with little diamantes on.  She was about a size 18 and had put on loads of weight since school but she looked so good for it.

Delinda had a long strapless maxi dress on  which gave her an amazing cleavage and she had a cute little bolero on covering her arms as well as a pair of pink heels to match in with the colour of her dress.

 We had a chat for a while and I made some coffee and lunch and we went outside to dine alfresco.  The weather was beautifully sunny and we took Logan out in his buggy with a parasol over him to shelter him from the sun. 

There was so much Delinda and I had to catch up on, she told me about where she lived and about her lifestyle and even invited us over for a holiday.  Everything sounded great, to be honest I was a little envious but I had no reason to be, we had a lovely home here and it was everything I had ever wanted.

 Jayden came home from work that evening and I introduced him to my friend, they seemed to get on well and were chatting about different things.

I started preparing tea and had it all organised, I opened a bottle of red to let it breathe whilst cooking.  I thought it would go well with a nice jacket potato and a chicken salad.

After dinner we all sat round the table talking and Delinda asked about my photo on the wall, I said it's from when I did my modelling before I had Logan. 

"You look great" she said, you should get back into it.

I had thought about it and I did enjoy it, maybe I should give them another call and see if they are interested in taking me on again.

"Definitely" I bet you were great,

"I'll show you some of clothes they gave me another time"

"Brilliant, I'd love to see them.

I gave Logan a bath and his feed then we all went to bed, it had been a long day for Delinda.

 "Ah lovely shower, I feel all refreshed now and am I'm ready for a new day"

"That's good, I'm glad." "I've just put some coffee on, would you like some?"

"Mmmmm please, sounds good"

"I thought we'd go out today, is that ok with you"

"Sure, do you have anywhere in mind"

"Well I thought we could go to town and I could show you how much it had changed since you were here last, there are some lush clothes shops opened recently"

"Great, I'm always up for some retail therapy"

 We got ready after breakfast, Jayden went off to work and us girlies set off into town, we looked round a few shops and we both treated ourselves to some nice things like new make up, I bought a new dress and Delinda bought some new heels.  We also bought a friendship bracelet so I could wear one half and Delinda could wear the other to represent us being friends.

 We stopped for a spot of lunch and so I could feed and change Logan, he had been a good boy all morning, we both gave him cuddles and lots of people came up to me and said how adorable is his, I felt so proud. 

"He is my world and I don't know what I would do without him now, my husband and I are very proud parents"

Delinda said how disappointing it was to see hardly any clothes shops for larger ladies as in America there are lots to chose from.

"I cannot wait to show you when you come over".

"There are so many larger glamorous ladies out there in all the latest fashions; you would never be out of work modelling where I live"

"Sounds great, I can't wait to visit you."

"It's a different way of life out there, people don't frown upon you for being a bigger person, and you are more accepted"

"Mmmmm food for thought"

"What are you thinking?"

"Watch this space"

© Copyrighted 2014 to Lorraine Barber

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