Chapter Twenty Six

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You probably guessed it by now but Delinda's brother Alphie is the guy I put the little show on for, I was so highly embarrassed I didn't know where to look as he walked through the front door.  He obviously knew who I was straight from the start when watching me through the window and talking to me whilst I was having breakfast in the back garden. 

I see Alphie smirk at me when he put his hand out to greet me, I shook hands with him whilst checking him out while my  cheeks were still a brighter red than Rudolph's nose.

 "What a pleasure to meet you, the pleasure is all mine"

He gave me a wink slyly so no one could see.

"You too" I said glancing down at the floor feeling a little awkward.

I managed to get my confidence up enough  to look up at his face and was met by these gorgeous piercing blue eyes that I seemed to look straight through, I could really lose myself in those I thought.

Alphie had short brown tousled just got out of bed hair, when he ran his fingers through it, it looked really sexy.  He had changed from the time when I see him this morning and was now wearing a tight fitting black vest top which showed off his amazing six pack.  He obviously worked out as his arms and legs were very toned, he was perfect all over actually.

 "So now we are all acquainted let's have some lunch" said Delinda

 "Come on Klohie ladies first" said Alphie.

Alphie was the first to get up, he pulled me out of my chair then got hold of my hand and walked me over to the food. I took a plate and began putting a few items on it.  Delinda called Jayden to help her in the kitchen with opening a bottle of bubbly which gave Alphie the perfect opportunity to be alone with me, it didn't take him long before his hand was up my skirt and caressing my bum.  Why did I have to put such a short skirt on today I thought, after this mornings little escaped I was on such a high I felt very desirable and wanted to show my luscious tanned legs off.

 "You are so sexy he said, it really turned me on earlier watching you in the bedroom caressing yourself"

 I should have slapped him in the face but I suppose it was my fault for leading him on but then I didn't know who he was, although he must have known Im a married woman with a baby if he knew who I was.    I thought he would just pass it off as a giggle but it didn't look that way, he wanted more and it worried me if he carried on like this then Jayden and Delinda are going to know we have been up to something as every time Alphie looked at me or said anything to me I kept turning fifty shades of pink.

 "So I turned you on but now you know I'm married with a child don't you think you ought to just put it behind you and forget anything ever happened? I mean what if your sister or my husband found out?"

 "Come on live dangerously you cant say you don't fancy me after what you did this morning, you know you want a bit of me, just admit it because I do you"

 "Look Aphie, Yes I find you very attractive and you know that.  I thought I would tease you a bit not knowing who you were up until you walked through that door a while ago but I have a husband and a baby to think about, you are gorgeous but I cannot risk my marriage for a quick bonk"

 "Hey what do you take me for? I wouldn't treat any woman as a quick bonk, I like to treat a lady with respect and make her feel good in bed and out"

 "I'm glad to hear it"

 "So what have you been talking about then? You seem to be hitting it off really well together"

♡ Built for comfort not speed ♡ 18+जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें