Chapter Twenty

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Delinda and I started sketching designs of clothes that we thought would enhance and flatter the fuller figure, we had some good ideas and we couldn't wait to show Reuben what we had come up with.  We think he would be impressed at the enthusiasm we had for the new line, we were so dedicated to this and this was what we really wanted to do.

 We are all set to go out and do something together today; we thought we would go for a walk in Beverley Gardens Park on Santa Monica Boulevard. We must have walked for about an hour an a half and needed something to cool us down so we slipped into Sprinkles ice cream shop and got ourselves an ice cream each and some cupcakes to take back with us.  After we had eaten our ice creams we though we would have a look in the Beverley Hills visitor centre, we learnt a lot about the area and were in there for about a couple of hours.  We walked passed the Cheesecake shop and I looked at Jayden and Delinda and said "We have to go in"

I persuaded them quite easily and we went in, we found a table and sat down.  We looked at the menu and we chose what we were going to have and placed our order at the kiosk.  They were really delicious and they went down really well.  I fed Logan before we went out; he was happily kicking his legs about and looking around to see who he could see.  He attracted the attention of most of the customers in the shop with his huge smiles, everyone said how adorable is and how nice it is to see such a happy smiling little boy.  Delinda, Jayden and I all had cuddles with Logan before putting him back in the pram as he had been lying down for quite a while.

 We set off out the shop and decided to go back to the car and take a drive to a place called Mullholland Drive, It is a drive along the top of Hollywood Hills and it offers great views of Los Angeles as well as Downtown, The Hollywood sign, Universal city and Hollywood Bowl.  We heard it goes through the mountain and each turn is a new surprise with beautiful Mansions, houses, trees and flowers and you get to see the valley as well along the long winding roads.  We actually stopped outside the houses of Tom Jones, Vinnie Jones, Johnie Weismuller and Jack Nickolson.

Along the drive there are places to stop to look at the view and the views are breath taking, it was definitely a moment to get the camera out.  It must look amazing at night we thought when all the lights were on and twinkling all over the valley.

As we could see the Hollywood sign in the distance we decided to take some panoramic photos and we got some great shots.

 It was now late afternoon so we turned around and went back to the house, we were having dinner at home tonight and we were having Homemade Pizzas and salad.

We arrived back to Delinda's within about 20 minutes and as soon as we got in I fed Logan and changed his bottom and put him on the floor on his tummy to try and get him to roll over.  I don't think it will be too long before he does it. I then opened a bottle of plonk and poured us all a glass and we started to relax.

After about an hour Delinda and I went into the kitchen and made a start on Dinner, we made the bases from scratch and added the toppings on such as tomato puree, pepperoni, chillies, Chicken tikka and sweetcorn then we got on with preparing the salad, then we set the table.

 The pizzas came out bubbling, the smell was making my tummy rumble and they looked really good, we all sat around the table and tucked in.  You could hear a pin drop as no one said a word, we were all too busy eating as we were so hungry after having a good day out and had definitely worked up an appetite to say the least, I was really enjoying my holiday and it was a shame it had nearly come to an end.   After we'd eaten we cleared away and we went for a walk around the housing estate where Delinda lived, it was lovely seeing the different houses and to get a feel for the area she live in.  The neighbours were so friendly, there were all the amenities by you could ever need and the area was well maintained too.   I wondered what it would be like if we were to live here.

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