Chapter Two

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Klohie's weight started to escalate from a young girl, she loved all the things that were bad for her. Although she had them in moderation, the pounds just seemed to creep on. All through out her school days she was bullied because of her weight problem, she was a couple of sizes bigger than the other girls and it was something for them to dig their claws in to because of boredom and something to occupy their tiny minds. Klohie didn't really see her self as having an issue; she felt fine and had no health problems. It was just she carried a little extra puppy fat, or so her Dad called it.

Children could be so cruel for such petty reasons, it made no difference to her personality or who she was as a person.

Klohie's worse subject at school was physical education, she hated getting undressed in front of the other girls and it got worse when she began secondary school as you had to take showers. This was really embarrassing for any girl who wasn't happy about their weight, especially around the teenage years when you were developing and going through puberty.

Klohie had no self esteem; she lacked confidence and became very depressed. She often used to eat for comfort when this happened and this was a vicious circle, when she felt low she used to comfort eat then gained weight and felt more miserable. By the time she left school she was bordering on a size 16/18.

It wasn't until Klohie left school she started to feel her feet and gradually gained confidence in her self, she had no one putting her down and she was learning a trade she had an interest in. She loved going to work, having her own independence and earning her own money. The only problem with earning her own money was buying things that made her put on weight, there used to be lunches out and going to the pub after work. Her weight was increasing but she didn't let it bother her, she was happy making friends, socialising with the public and began to build a rapport with the clients. She felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders and was not being judged, a few customers even told her she had lovely dimples and would soon find a young man. This made her smile.

It was another busy day at the salon and it was nearly time to open, the phone was already ringing and there were deliveries of stock due later in the day.

Candy the trainee had already cleaned the mirrors, dusted and sorted the trolleys, the salon was looking sparkling as it always did. A first impression always counts and that is very important to the business that the salon looks perfect for every customer who walks through the door. Klohie was in charge of promoting new clientele to the salon, she had stylish flyers made to put through letterboxes in the neighbourhood to entice new custom by offering them a discount off their first appointment.

Mrs McKenzie just walked through the door, it was her first client of the day. She had been coming to the salon a few years now and always insisted on Klohie doing her hair; she was a lovely elderly lady and was always happy to chat about anything. The conversation was nearly always about the weather and where she was next going on holiday. Candy shampooed her hair and took her over to the chair where Klohie was waiting for her

"Same as usual"

"yes please dear" Mrs McKenzie replied.

Conversation struck up and the subject of love arose,

"I expect a lovely young girl like you with be jetting off on your holidays with the one you love soon?"

"I haven't actually thought about a holiday this year as yet and I don't have a man in my life"

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