Chapter Five

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Klohie took a look around the room, how did her parents send out all these invites without her knowing?  There was her family and friends, her parents had even had caterers do a buffet, there was a disco and they had her a personalised cake made in the shape of a Tiffany box in duck egg blue with a edible white ribbon on and a necklace sitting on top, this was her birthday present from her parents.  Klohie had always wanted a Tiffany necklace, she was being really spoilt. Well it's not everyday you turn 30 is it.  The night was a success, everyone commented on how well Klohie looked and how Blake and she made a lovely couple.  There was plenty of dancing and people generally having a good time, at the end of the night Klohie took the mike from the DJ and thanked everyone for coming and the presents they had bought her, Blake then wanted to say something so Klohie handed him the mike.  Klohie had no idea what he was going to say but he said

"I have an extra special birthday gift that I want to give to Klohie"

In front of everyone; Blake handed over an envelope and she carefully opened it.  It was tickets for a weekend in Paris staying at a top five star hotel, everyone cheered, someone shouted

"He's a keeper!"

Klohie had always wanted to go to Paris but had never got round to it.  She looked at the date, it was booked for two days time, I had better start packing tomorrow she thought.  Everyone left and said there goodbyes, Caroline and Jonathan dropped Klohie and Blake back to Klohie's house along with all the gifts and cake. 

"Thanks for a super birthday Mum and Dad, I couldn't have planned it better myself"

Klohie gave her Mum and Dad both a hug and a kiss.  The first thing they did was put the kettle on and Klohie slipped her shoes off, as much as she loved her new shoes they had nearly caused her a blister through all the dancing she had done during the evening.  They made the coffee and sat down with each other to talk about the night,

"I'm so lucky to have you Blake, you have really spoilt me today but I don't think I deserve all that"

"Nonsense, of course you do, you mean the world to me and always will"

They drank their coffee and went upstairs to bed. 

 This was the first time Blake had stayed over and the first night of sharing a bed together, perhaps tonight's the night she thought.  Klohie asked Blake if he could unzip the back of her dress for her, he didn't have to be asked twice and quickly obliged.  He pulled down the zip and could see the sexy black lingerie she had on, he gasped and started to kiss her back and neck.  Klohie soon got aroused but there one thing holding her back, Blake hadn't seen her naked before and she was worried about what he would think of her.  Klohie came over all quiet and her head dropped,

"what's wrong, have I done something to upset you?"

"No not at all, it's just...well you haven't seen me naked before and I'm conscious of the way I look"

"Baby I love you, I love every part of you, every inch, every curve, please believe me when I say I love you"

Klohie looked at Blake and she slid down her dress revealing her curvaceous body.

"wow, how come you have been covering this up for so long, your beautiful"

"Do you mean that?"

"Yes hun, I wouldn't say it if It wasn't true"

Blake began to kiss and caress her all over which gave her Goosebumps, she had longed for Blake's touch.  His manly hands were all over her soft skin and she loved it, she unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it open, she ran her hands all over his chest.  He didn't really have a hairy chest, just a few dark hairs scattered here and there which suited her fine.  She kissed his chest working her way down to his stomach, she undid his trousers and they fell to the floor which he stepped out of.  He took his boxers and socks off and he undid her bra and her voluptuous breasts bounced out, he could tell she was excited as her nipples were hard and pert.  He cupped them with his hands and kissed them all over, Klohie let out a gasp of pleasure.  He pulled down her knickers and caressed her bottom, something had been standing to attention for a while and Klohie knew exactly what it was.  They stood there exploring each others bodies and were in the heat of the moment, Blake laid Klohie gently on the bed and took a condom from the bedside.  Klohie wanted him so bad and she knew the feeling was mutual, they could wait no longer and by the feel of things she was ready for him, he slowly entered her thrusting his pelvis.  Klohie arched her back and bottom up so he could enter her deeper, Klohie was looking very red in the face and had a flush mark at the top of her chest, Blake picked up speed and Klohie was making lots of noise, it didn't take long until they both came together.  Blake refreshed himself in the bathroom and they both got in to bed cuddling in the spooning position and fell asleep.

The next morning Blake woke up first and made Klohie breakfast in bed, a full English with fresh coffee.  After breakfast Klohie got up, showered, did her make-up and started packing for her trip away to Paris, after she had packed they went to Blake's so he could pack his things.  They spent the afternoon lounging in the garden taking it easy sharing a bottle of wine and just chatting, they ordered a take a way for tea as they didn't want to cook before going away.  Klohie stayed over at Blake's that night so they could make an early start together in the morning.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, the alarm went off at 6am; it was time to get up.  They left the house at 6.30am and drove to the euro tunnel to catch the train, when they reached the other side they drove to the hotel.  They walked through the marbled entrance and were greeted by a smartly dressed gentleman behind reception, "

"Bonjour Madame" "Bonjour Monsieur"

"Bonjour, we have a room booked under the names of Blake Adams and Klohie Price"

"Just one moment, ah yes I've found you, you're in number 101. Just follow the corridor down until you come to the lift, go to the second floor then when you come out you're second on the left"

They put the key in the door and opened, the room was amazing and so luxurious.  The queen size bed had rose petals scattered all over it, there was an en suite bathroom with a separate shower and a bubble jet bath and complimentary toiletries, there was mini bar but most of all there was a bottle of champers on ice waiting for us. 

The room was decorated to a very high standard and had red velvet drapes and swags at the window, the carpet was cream in colour and was a deep pile so when you walked on it in bare feet, your feet sunk into it like a memory foam cushion,.  The bed was a four poster, which had white fluffy towels on shaped as swans, there were white fluffy bath robes and slippers to match which  also came as complimentary and there was a vase full of fresh flowers on the side. 

Time had been running away so we decided to go and look around so we could find somewhere to eat, we found this cute little French restaurant and had a meal in there.  Afterwards we took a stroll hand in hand taking in all the scenery, Paris was even better than I had imagined and I instantly knew I had been missing out on so much.

We made our way back to the hotel, put the kettle on, got changed into something more comfy and sat in bed drinking our coffee.  We spoke about what we would like to do whilst we were here and the places we would like to visit, the top places we came up with was Notre Dame Cathedral, The Eiffel Tower and The Louvre. 

 We were out by 10am the next morning; we had a lovely continental breakfast and were ready for the day.  We decided we would visit Notre Dame first, have some lunch then visit the Louvre in the afternoon, and then leave the best till last The Eiffel Tower.  The day went swimmingly and we really enjoyed ourselves, the day went so quickly.  We found another nice little French restaurant to dine in that evening and had some French wine to accompany the meal.  We made our way back to the hotel; we read for a while and went to sleep. 

 Next day, it was unfortunately our last day.  We had our breakfast, checked out of the hotel and made our way to the Eiffel tower, we were both really excited and this was the highlight of our visit.  Blake had already booked our tickets in advance and had booked us a table at Le Jules Verne on the second floor so we could have a meal before visiting the top.  The meal was delicious and was well presented; it was romantic too with candles and roses setting the scene on the table.  Blake took care of the bill and we made our way to the top in the lift, we held hands and he kissed me on the cheek.  Once at the top the views were amazing, we took lots of photographs of the scenes and each other.  We even got someone else to take some photos of us together; we took the privilege to getting our selves a glass of bubbly from the champagne bar.  Blake said

"I think we have something to celebrate"

 © Copyrighted 2014 to Lorraine Barber

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