Chapter Fourteen

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"I do, Stop the wedding!"

"Blake I gasped, what the hell are you doing?"

"I still love you, I don't want you to marry Jayden, I have always loved you and still do."

"I made a mistake with Rachel and I am truly sorry, please say you love me too"

I looked at Jayden, he was in shock and so was I, the colour drained from his face as well as mine, what would everyone be thinking? Besides what am I thinking? All this time we hadn't seen or heard from him and he turns up at my wedding and try to ruin it by declaring his love for me still,

"I said Blake I'm sorry but you and I finished a long time ago, we are over and I love Jayden"

"you cheated on me and today I am marrying Jayden"

"Klohie please don't marry him, I'm still in love with you, I couldn't bare it if I lost you."

"Blake please leave me alone to get on with my wedding"

With that Jayden and a few other blokes removed him from the church under protest and the wedding carried on where we left off. There was an apology to the guests and we began our wedding vows to each other.  

 "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride"

We were now married and it felt good. We walked out of church arm in arm and had some more photos taken outside while the videographer was filming us, and the guests started to leave to go to the reception venue we made our way to a large park to have some more photos taken with a tranquil background, it was beautiful, the sun was out, the ducks were swimming in the pond and the flowers were all out in bloom. Lots of people stopped to look at us and wished us well, they said how lovely we both looked then we left the park and were driven to our wedding breakfast and the hall where our reception would take place.  Everyone had a drink and was mingling when we got there, we looked at the room that we would be dining in and it was decorated beautifully, there was a huge balloon arch above the stage that my mum had bought us in pink and silver and the dj had set his equipment up underneath.  The seating had been set out in long tables and there were pink and silver balloons in the centre of each one, there was also banners hung up with 'Congratulations' and 'Happy wedding day' on.  When everyone was seated, we walked in and took our place at the top table along with both sets of parents and the bridesmaids.

 We had a wonderful dinner cooked by the catering staff we had hired and the red and white wine was going down well we had eaten Jayden stood up and gave a speech, the first thing he said was how beautiful his new wife looked which I thought was a lovely thing to say and said when he looked at me walking down the aisle I took his breath away.  He also thanked all of the bridesmaids, his best man and all the guests for attending, and said thank you for all the gifts people had brought for us.  Next the best man gave a speech and then my dad. 

We then presented both my mum and Jayden's mum with a bouquet and thanked them for everything they had done, we then gave gifts out to the best man and the bridesmaids and everyone raised a toast to us.

As we sat there talking a few people came up to us and said what a lovely service it was and how much they enjoyed the meal.

 Before we knew it, it was time to move the tables ready for the evening reception and the guests had already started arriving, I couldn't believe how quick the day was going, it was flying by.  The disco was playing and everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves, a few of the little children were running around on the dance floor and playing with some balloons, it took forever welcoming everyone in as they all wanted to chat and say how lovely we looked.  When everyone had arrived Jayden and I had our first dance, everyone took photos of us and we danced to Bryan Adams

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