Chapter Eight

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"What is it Blake, surely it can't be that bad that you can't tell me?"

"But it is and you're going to hate me for it" he started to say something then stopped.

"I don't know how to say it for the best"

"You know I've always loved you and I still do but..."

"But what, I need to know Blake"

"Well you remember Rachel from the hospital, my physiotherapist"

"Yes, carry on" 

"Well we've been seeing each other"

"What are you saying? Do you mean as friends"

"No it's more than that"

I burst into tears "How could you I snapped?"

"You told me you loved me and always would" 

"We're engaged, what about us?" 

"What about our wedding?" 

"I'm sorry there won't be a wedding" I cried even harder.

"Why did you do it? What are we going to tell everyone or more to the point what are you going to tell everyone?"

"What's going to happen to the house we're buying, did you ever think about that while you were with her?" 

All he could say was I'm sorry but words are cheap and it was too late to save our relationship and our marriage now

"I gave up everything for you and this is how you betray me"

"I can never forgive you"  with that I picked up my handbag and walked out the door.

I got in my car and drove to Amelia's, I knocked on her door in floods of tears

"Klohie what ever is wrong"

"He's been messing about with someone else, it's over"

"Oh sweetie, come in,"

I poured my heart out  telling her everything that he'd said,

"I gave him my everything" 

"I know you did and you are more than welcome to stay with me until you get things sorted"

"Thanks I knew I could count on you, you're a friend in a million"

"And so are you Klohie, that's what friends are for".

 It was a few days before she heard from Blake again; he'd called her on her mobile. Although she didn't want to talk to him there was things that needed sorting out like the house and contents, she said she would go to the house that evening after work to discuss this only.  Klohie was feeling apprehensive about seeing Blake again but she knew she had to face him sometime or other and better now than later she thought, like the saying goes never put something off until tomorrow what can be done today. 

She pulled into the drive and rung the bell, Blake opened the door and she stepped in and sat on the sofa.

"I'll start, you have two choices, you can either pay me my half towards the house or the house will have to be sold"

"Well you know I can't afford to buy you out so the house it just going to have to be sold"

"Fair enough I'll get a estate agent to come round and value it one evening when we're both home from work then it can go on the market, with the contents I will take what's rightfully mine.  While I'm here I'm going to take some more of my clothes and items with me"

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