Chapter Thirteen

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It is the day of our hen and stag do's and Jay is looking forward to a day out with the lads and me with my girlies, we have a pink limo picking us all up at 11am, we have a full day booked of pampering and treatments.  We are having full body massages, manicures, pedicures, facials and we have full use of the pool, sauna and gym. 

 We are all dolled up in our finery waiting to be escorted to beautify ourselves even more and we are all excited.  We had already had a glass of bubbly each and I'm sure there will be plenty more on offer during the day; we have also booked to stay the night too. We can take part in dance classes and attend a make-up class; we also get complimentary bath robes and slippers with the Champneys logo on.

 We are now in the limo and on our way to having a great hen party; there is also a big bottle of champagne for us all to share.

We drove into the entrance by following a long driveway leading to a large building that looked like a mansion with big lawns each side, there are statues in the gardens and it has a huge conservatory built on the side. 

 On arrival we were greated by the receptionist who booked us in, we had a non alcoholic fruit cocktail to start and we had a tour around the place and we were shown our rooms.  They were gorgeous, just like something out of a fairytale.  The bed was massive, it was like two doubles put together.  My room has large red velvet drapes at the window with swags and tails and has an en suite off the bedroom which has a roll top bath, a double shower cubicle, and a vanity unit with a large mirror above and Champneys toiletries to use. There is a beautiful shaped chair placed in the room, the bed has pure white egyptian cotton sheets and pillowcases on and scatter cushions placed neatly at the top.

 I went to find my friends after we all checked into our rooms and sorted ourselves out, we all headed to the reception and booked ourselves in for some treatments, in the meantime we thought we would go for a swim, I had bought a new tankini, it is black bottoms and top with hearts all over, it had tummy support in and it gave me a good cleavage too, which I liked.

 The pool was beautiful, it had windows all around and in the roof, it was so light and airy, it had the feel you were outside when you were actually inside.  The pool was really long and lovely and warm, we spent about an hour in there then went back to our rooms to change and I went for my massage.  I lay on the treatment bed on my tummy with just my knickers on, I had a towel covering my bottom and Brooke poured some warm all onto my back and started the massage, it felt really good and all my stress eased away.  I didn't realise how much I had tensed myself up worrying over the wedding with all the plans but I felt so much calmer and relaxed now.

 We all continued to have treatments until it came to our evening meal, which was pretty impressive too.  I decided to call Jay to see if he was having a good time as I couldn't help worrying about him on his bike, I know I shouldn't have called but I couldn't help myself.  Jayden answered and was really pleased I phoned; he said it was lovely hearing my voice and was good to know we were all having a good time.     

He said he and his mates were also enjoying themselves and that they had a good time on their bikes and had won several races, they booked to stay in a hotel overnight like we were and we arranged to see each other tomorrow.

 After dinner we went back to my room and watched a film with a couple of bottles of bubbly to relax, we ended up watching 'Brides maids'. When it had finished we went to bed and I slept like a log, the bed was so comfy and cosy. 

Next day I woke up and went to the sauna early on my own, I just wanted to gather my thoughts and to think about my wedding.  I sat in there for about an hour then went for a swim afterwards to cool off; I went back to my room, dressed and met the girls down in the restaurant for breakfast. 

At 10am we had our last treatment which was an all over tan, after that we stayed and had a coffee and to have lunch.  We checked out at 1pm, we all received a gift from Champneys and we all got taxis back home, Jayden was already in when I got back and welcomed me home with open arms. 

He said I looked good and so did he, after not seeing him for nearly two days.  It's true what they say absence does make the heart grow fonder, when you're away from your loved one it really does hit home how much you love them. 

I must start confirming everything now as it's only a couple of weeks before the big day, I've had my last wedding dress fitting and got my dress from Enchanted dreams and I've had all the order of services printed which are now rolled into a scroll, tied with a pink ribbon then into a bow.

I was getting very nervous now with only a matter of days left, soon I was to be Mrs Wood, a married woman.  I just keep thinking of walking down the aisle with everybody looking at me with my bridesmaids.

 7am 16th June, today is the day, my wedding day.  Butterflies were in my tummy and the nerves were kicking in more than ever now, I made some breakfast and a cup of tea.  I had my parents and all my bridesmaids round at my house getting ready and Jayden was leaving from his parents.  My first appointment was at the salon, they were doing my hair for me.  My hair had grown quite a bit after letting it grow and was long enough to put in an 'up do' so I didn't need extensions, I had my hair put into a French pleat with little white flowers pinned in and little ringlets hanging down each side.  The girls had done me proud and they all hugged me and said they would see me later, when I got back home Amelia was there ready to do my make-up.  Time was ticking away; I still had a few hours to go as yet as I wasn't getting married until 2pm.  We opened a few bottles of Moet and Chandon and all had a glass, my make up was done and I looked like a cover girl, I felt very glam.

I had friends popping in all morning with cards and wishes of good luck which was nice, the videographer and photographer had now arrived as I wanted some memories from leaving from home.  I had a vintage car arrive which was a shiny black Morris 10/4, with a chauffer in suit and cap.  I went upstairs to put my dress on and get ready, I had my sister Kayleigh who was chief bridesmaid help me.  I put on my white boned corset, white lacey panties with 'Bride' on, white stockings with diamante bells on at the ankles, suspenders, my bridal shoes and then my dress.  Kayleigh laced my dress up at the back and I looked in the mirror, I couldn't believe it was me staring back.  Here I am in my wedding dress on my wedding day, it is the happiest day of my life and I cannot wait to marry my Jayden.

We had some photos taken outside my house; they took photos of me on my own, me with the bridesmaids, me with my parents and us as a whole family.

A pink limo turned up which my mum had paid for to take all the bridesmaids and her to the church, they left about ten minutes before us then I elegantly stepped into my car with my dad, who would be giving me away.

We got to the church and there was a few people still arriving so we hung back, when we thought everyone had gone inside we drove into the church car park.  I had some photos taken in the car with my dad and getting out of the car, the videographer was filming this as well.  I walked up to the church entrance arm in arm with my dad; we waited outside the door where the bridesmaids were.  I heard the organ start playing 'Here comes the bride' and my heart went over, I had major butterflies flying in my tummy.  I could see everyone standing up and the church looked packed, the bridesmaids went first.  Yes I know they should be behind me but I like doing things differently, now it was me and dad.  We walked down the aisle slowly and although I was aware of people around me the only person I could focus on was Jayden, people were taking photos as I was aware of flashes going off.  We stopped where the vicar was and the music finished, the vicar said hello to me and Jayden whispered in my ear 'you look gorgeous' we both smiled at each other then the vicar said "Ladies and gentleman I welcome you all to the marriage of Klohie and Jayden, may you all be seated." The vicar then began to read couple of readings that we had chosen and a couple of the older bridesmaids read poems, the vicar then read out the form of matrimony and came to the part where he asked us if we knew of any reason why we should not marry and we said no.  He then spoke to the congregation and said "Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined.  If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace. 

With that the doors of the church flew open.

 © Copyrighted 2014 to Lorraine Barber

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