Chapter Six

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The top of the tower was quite packed and everyone were taking in the scenery and snapping photos.

"I hope you have had a lovely birthday and a lovely weekend away Klohie"

"It's more than I can ever have asked for and I can't thank you enough"

"Klohie I want you to know something, we've been together 6 months now and I hope you know how much I love you, you are the apple of my eye and I can never imagine my life without you"

"I have something to ask you"

With that Blake got down on one knee and got something out of his trouser pocket, it was a box. 

"Klohie I would love for you to be my wife, will you marry me please?"

Blake opened the box to present her with a sparkling diamond engagement ring.  Everybody stopped to look at them, Klohie was crying and shouted

"Yes, yes, yes"

Blake stood up and placed the ring on her wedding finger, everybody cheered and Klohie and Blake hugged and kissed each other.  Another couple took photos of them on their camera holding their champagne and showing the ring, they couldn't wait to tell their families and friends when they got home.  They finished their champagne and headed down the tower, back to the car and drove to the euro tunnel ready for the journey back home.  It took just over a couple of hours to get home, it wasn't late when they got back so they decided to invite both sets of parents round to Klohie's to tell them the good news. 

They arrived in no time at and wondered what they had to tell them, they sat down and said together

"We're engaged"

"we're going to get married"

Both sets of parents got up and congratulated them.  They spent the rest of the evening celebrating and turned in for an early night after their parents had gone home. 

Next day it was back to reality, work was calling and they couldn't wait to tell their work colleagues the good news. 

 A couple of months on and Klohie and Blake had decided to set a date for the wedding, they set the date for 11th September, which was another year away.  It gave them a year to plan the wedding of their dreams and to decide what to do about living arrangements, should Klohie keep her house and have Blake move in with her, sell her house and she move in with him or sell both houses and buy a bigger house by putting their money together. 

After careful thoughts and consideration and speaking to their parents they decided to sell both houses and purchase a bigger place, they were now looking for a 3 bed semi detached house.  They wanted to keep in the same location so they were nice and close for each others work still, as soon as they had put both houses up for sale they started looking for another house.  They had a few people look at both houses and were really keen; it wasn't long before they both had offers on the houses which they accepted.  It took Klohie and Blake another month to find a place they really fell in love with, it was just right for them to set up as their marital home. 

 The house had a porch at the entrance, leading to the hall which then lead into the lounge which very big, spacious and airy.  Off the lounge was a large fitted kitchen with white cupboards and doors that concealed the appliances.  The banisters had spindles all the way up the stairs; the bedrooms were both double in size which was a bonus for when they had guests over.  The master bedroom had an en suite attached to it and there was another bathroom upstairs as well, everything was nicely decorated and had been finished to a very high standard.  Klohie and Blake made an offer on the property and it was accepted straight away, they were over the moon. 

♡ Built for comfort not speed ♡ 18+Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum