Chapter Fifteen

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I was pregnant, I was actually going to be a mummy, and I couldn't wait to tell Jayden the good news that he was going to be a daddy.  I told Jayden when he got home from work and he was absolutely thrilled, we were going to make fantastic parents.  It wasn't planned but we are over the moon and we are looking forward to telling our parents. 

All sorts came into my head like my modelling, would they still require me to model? If so I could bring out a plus size maternity range for mummies, I would enjoy doing that.  We don't mind if we have a boy or a girl just as long as the baby is healthy and I will still carry on with my hairdressing for as long as I can. 

We told our parents and they cried, they were so happy that they are going to become grandparents.  I have told close friends but am not telling everyone until I am at least 12 weeks gone and have had my first scan to make sure everything is fine.  

 The sickness had stopped a bit now and I had started to feel a little better, I had spoken to Enchanted dreams limited and we have agreed to bring out a baby collection for mums to be and I will start modelling as soon as I start to show, not that I will have a proper baby bump as I am a big girl but people will still see that I am pregnant.  We have decided on a collection of floaty dresses and skirts, denim dungarees, tailored knee length shorts and elasticated jeans and trousers to go over and under the bump. We have said we would bring out this collection in sizes 18 to 30 and call it 'From the pea to the pod'. 

 We had the appointment for the scan come through and Jayden has managed to get the day off from work so he can come with me to his little jelly bean, we only have a week to wait.  I'm now 11 weeks pregnant and I love feeling my tummy knowing there's a precious little cargo in there, Jayden and I often find ourselves talking to bubba so it recognises our voices when it is born. 

Since becoming pregnant I have been ordering every baby catalogue I can find and picking up brochures in shops like Mothercare, Next,  Babies R Us and Adams, I only want the best for our baby and may even have to slip a few designer items in there for it as well. 

 We made our way up to the hospital and me crossed legged with a full bladder, remember they said 'the more you drink, the better the picture' I felt like I could wee for England the way I felt.  I hope the appointment wasn't running late and I was seen on time, I was absolutely busting.  I could see all the other Mums looking the same as I was and I think we all felt for each other, it's alright for the blokes I thought, they get it easy.  They have a good time in conception then it's the woman who has to go through the sickness in pregnancy and then give birth, ok they may actually get a few vocal words shouted to them during labour but that's it. 

 We walked into the scanning room and I was asked to lay on the bed and lift my top up and pull my jeans below my tummy then they squeezed some warm gel on.  I was so excited to see my little one and know it was ok.  I could see the screen and see a shadow, 'That's your baby' said the lady.  She measured the baby and checked the heartbeat and said everything looks fine, I was so relieved and shed a few tears, Jayden held my hand all the way through and he even got a bit emotional. 

It was lovely seeing our baby for the first time and we even got a couple of scan pictures to take home with us, I couldn't wait to show people the picture and actually tell people I was pregnant if they hadn't of guessed already.

 I was on a real high after seeing my baby and would only have to wait about another 8 more weeks before we could see it again and find out if we were having a little girl or a boy, my belly started growing bigger and I could feel bubba kicking me now, it was amazing, Jayden often put his hand on my belly to feel the kicks too.  My maternal instincts were really coming out and I had started the modelling of the pregnancy collection as I had gained a few more pounds, the clothes looked good on and I was really pleased with how they fitted.  All the clothes I modelled I got to keep which was fantastic, they were really easy to accessorise with belts, scarfs, and jewellery. 

 I had clients in the salon ask me the usual questions like, when is the baby due. Have you decided on any names yet? Would you prefer a boy or a girl? And so on.

 Jayden and I said we would wait before deciding on names to find out what sex the baby was going to be but we would have a back up just incase the gender was wrong.

I got the appointment through for the next 20 week scan and noted it on my calendar, another exciting day to look forward to I thought.  Jayden had managed to get the day off from work again to come with me to see if we were having a girl or boy and to make sure it is healthy.

 A few more weeks passed of Jayden and I working our little socks off to buy gorgeous things for our baby, we had already ordered a Winnie the pooh cot, a Phil and Teds travel system, baby furniture for the nursery and Christian Dior baby bottles, "yes I know I had to buy a few designer things" me and my brand obsession!.

 The day of the second scan has arrived and we are now on our way to the hospital, with another full bladder, me that is, not Jayden.  If there was an award for the ministry of funny walks I'm sure I would have won it by the way I was walking crossed legged, it was worth it though as in a few minutes I will see my little prince or princess.  They called my name and we went in, I lay on the bed and it was the same procedure, they squirted some gel on my tummy and I looked at the screen.  I could see the shape of my baby this time and my eyes welled up, I looked at Jayden and he was the same.  The person doing the scan measured the baby and listened to the heartbeat and said

"your baby is growing nicely and everything is fine"

"Would you like to know the sex of your baby?"

"We both said yes"

and she said "You are having a little boy"

We both cried with tears of joy.  I got dressed and we had another couple of photos of our baby boy to take home, we were so excited.  We could now start buying things in blue and painting the nursery in time for when our little man is born.

 The first people we told were our parents; we were straight on the phone to them when we got home.  We then started to tell more and more people as we saw them and they were all really happy for us.  I started making purchases in blue and bought a Nike tracksuit, babygrows, trousers, t shirts, cardigans, booties, scratch mittens and hats. 

This baby was going to be really spoilt; I had even bought him some Nike crib shoes to match his tracksuit. 

 My bump was growing week by week and I was really conscious of my size, I see people staring at me and trying to work out if I was pregnant or not but I rubbed my belly and that gave them the answer hopefully, I was going up in sizes and I started to feel if I got any bigger Jayden would not want to come near me and would be put off by the way I looked.  Everything got bigger even my boobs which were big is the first place but they were now putting a lot of pressure on me affecting my back and posture,  As I reached my third trimester my feet and legs began to swell, and all I could get on was flip flops.  Standing all day doing hair didn't help matters either and I was limited to how long I could model for as I got so tired and it was long hours on my feet, Jayden reassured me I was looking great and he loved me with all his heart.  He said I was his wife and the mummy of his child and thought the world of me, he said he thought I was blooming as my hair looked shiny and healthy, my nails were growing and my skin was looking radiant. 

 I had starting the preparation for the birth as I only had a few weeks left, I had attended antenatal classes with Jay, I had packed my hospital bag with clothes for me, dressing gown, baby outfits along with  a special coming home outfit for our little man, creams, nappies, snacks for Jay and myself, breast pads, oh and my favourite perfume.  We had now finished the nursery and had painted it in baby blue with a large tree mural on the wall with animals in.  There were monkeys hanging from the branches, birds sitting in the tree and other animals sitting under the tree like lions, elephants, and giraffes. We had all the furniture in place, the cot was up with a teddy mobile hanging from over the top, I had a rocking chair and stool so I could sit and do the feeds, we put in a little wardrobe with the outfits we had bought already and there was a giant teddy sitting on the floor in the corner. 

 We just had to decide on a name.

© Copyrighted 2014 to Lorraine Barber

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