Chapter Nine

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Jayden took my hand and said "we've been friends a while now and you know I think you're a great girl"

"I think a lot of you too Jay"

"Thank you, well I wanted to know if you would like to start dating me and take our friendship one step further to another level, I promise I am not like Blake and will not hurt you like he did". 

"Wow I'm flattered, I don't know what to say" "How about yes" he laughed. 

"Ok I accept, I do trust you and I would like to have a relationship with you"

" I will make you happy Klohie" and with that the meals arrived. 

We had a really good night and after we finished the meal Jay drove home, he ended up staying the night and we had the most amazing sex. 

 He made me feel comfortable about my size and said "It's what's on the inside that counts but what's on the outside is pretty amazing too"

"I have always liked the larger lady and you are the prettiest I have ever seen, I know it sounds corny but it's true"

When we got intimate it wasn't just sex, he actually made love to me and kissed me all over.  He started at my feet and worked his way up covering every inch of my body, he made me shiver and my spine tingle, it wasn't the only thing he made tingle either.  He made me come so many times; I never knew I could experience multiple orgasms until I met him.  He made me feel so good and the more I had of him the more I wanted.  Sex was so much better than I had ever known and I was in love again.  Since the break up with Blake I had eaten to comfort my pain and had gained near enough another stone in weight, my weight was spiralling out of control and every time something went wrong I would eat to make myself feel better but in the long run I would end up feeling a whole lot worse. 

 Jayden had always said I was a sexy plus size girl and I should enter a modelling contest as he thought I could win, I wasn't sure about the idea and had never thought about it before let alone having the confidence to show my body off to an audience.  The split from Blake had shot my confidence down somewhat to an all time low and by dating someone a whole lot smaller than me when he said I was beautiful, how could I get that image sketched in my mind out of my head.  He had ripped my heart out, chewed it up and spat it out or at least that's what it felt like but it was my time now to have my heart mended by Jayden. 

 I had been seriously thinking about what Jayden had said to me about modelling and had been looking in the papers and on the internet and I came across an agency requiring plus sized girls from the ages of 30-40 in sizes 16 plus, It was an audition to model clothing of all kinds and the winner would receive a contract with a £1000's worth of designer clothing by Enchanted dreams and to walk down a catwalk modelling them in front of an audience of fashion designers. I ran my finger over the telephone number and pondered whether to dial or not, I took a deep breath and thought why not I've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.  I pressed the digits into the phone and heard the dial tone.

A voice on the other end said "Hello, Enchanted dreams limited, Bethan speaking how may I help you?"

"Hello Bethan, my name's Klohie and I'm calling about the plus sized modelling audition"

"Hi there Klohie, thanks for your call, I just need to take some details please, can you tell me your full name, address, telephone number, your age and dress size"

Klohie gave her the details and she said she would be in touch.  Well that didn't go to badly all I can do now is wait, a few days later and Klohie received a letter in the post asking her to attend an audition in a weeks time at Garston Manor which was about an hour's drive away, I'll ask Lacey if I can change my day off to that day so I don't have to take any time off work.  Klohie decided she would go on her own that day and if anything didn't come of it nobody would be any wiser.  

 The week went by really quickly and today was the day, Klohie dressed in Smart black trousers and a pink peplum top accessorising it with a pair of cream open toed shoes, a long chunky gold necklace and earrings.  She had done her make up to perfection, her nails were looking glam and she had put lowlights in her hair which looked amazing and really brought the colour of her eyes out.  Klohie began her drive early and she's glad she did as the traffic was hectic; she arrived in time with no hold ups and found a place to park.  She sat in the car just looking at all the other girls going in and comparing their size to hers, there were a lot bigger ladies than her so she knew she had nothing to worry about.  She turned her mobile phone off and walked in. 

Someone was there to great her straight away and readily made her feel at ease, the staff was all very friendly and there were refreshments available as soon as you walked through.  Everyone was given name badges which helped break the ice between people, I started talking to a few ladies and they said this was there first time of auditioning and were just as nervous as I was, there must have been about 50 of us altogether. 

One of the staff starting talking into the mike and said "Welcome Ladies to Enchanted dreams limited"

"we have a lot to get through today and I want you all to shine, you are all beautiful and no one is better than any other"

"Today is all about confidence so try not to be too nervous if you can help it, you will all know if you have got through by the end of the day so remember to have fun and good luck"

The day went so quickly and I ended up really enjoying myself, I forgot I was there auditioning and ended up having a good laugh.  I soon found my inner confidence and I worked my booty off, there was lots of clothes changes and strutting our stuff down the cat walk.  By the end of the day we sat in a room and were told our name would be read out if we had got through, 25 people were going through to the next round so the group would be cut by half.  The names started to get read out and I was eagerly waiting to hear my name, there was one place left and I heard Klohie Price.  Oh my god I had made it and I was smiling from ear to ear, it gave me so much more confidence to carry on to the next audition. 

A member of staff said "Thank you to everyone who attended today and sorry to all the ladies who didn't get through to the next round but good luck to the ladies that did" 

"You will be hearing from us again very soon, have a safe journey home".

 I drove home on a high; I had my favourite cd on very loudly and was singing to it all the way home.  I made good time and I made a coffee as soon as I got in to unwind after a long day and I went upstairs to run a bubble bath, I used a bath bomb with glitter in to make me feel special as I felt I deserved a bit of pampering after regaining my confidence.  I towelled myself dry and put my bathrobe on and went downstairs to make myself some dinner.  After I'd eaten I called Jayden, we had a nice chat on the phone and I went to bed.

 A few days later I received another letter, I eagerly tore it open and it said Enchanted dreams cordially invite you to a second audition at the same place and time next week.  I checked the rota at the salon and luckily enough it was my day off from work, I still hadn't told anyone about what I was doing and would only think about telling them if I got down to the last few people in the final round.  The week went just as quickly as the first one did and I found myself driving back to the Manor again, I had lots more confidence this time and walked in with a big smile.  Today we were told we were modelling lingerie, I was quite excited about doing this.  We modelled things from negligees to basques and corsets.  It actually made me feel quite sexy and I wanted to show everyone I wasn't afraid off showing my figure off any more, you could say I had an hour glass figure but mine just had more minutes.

It is now the end of the day and I am waiting for my name to be called out to see if I had made it to the next round.

 © Copyrighted 2014 to Lorraine Barber

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