Chapter Seven

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We were rushed out the room and the crash team came running in.

"He's gone I shouted to Amelia"

She threw her arms around me; I was in shock and shaking really bad.  It seemed ages before we knew anything and I was nearly sick after all the crying I had done, finally a doctor came out to speak to us.  He said

"We have managed to stabilise him but he is very ill, there is still a chance he may not make it.  We are doing everything we can for Mr Adams and we will keep you informed if there is any change, but for now I don't think it's a good idea to have any visitors"

Hours passed by and we saw the clock hit every hour; during that time I made several phone calls to everyone from his parents who were now here with me, my parents and work.  A doctor came out and said Blake was more Stable and we could go in and see him but he was still unconscious, we were allowed to go in two at a time so me and his mum went in first, we spent about an hour in there together talking to him and telling him how much we loved him whilst holding his hand, I just looked at him laying there with him not knowing anything then me looking at the heart monitor.  Our life was going so well and now I'm having the worst time of my life. 

 My time was up I thought so I let Blake's Dad in with his Mum as he hadn't seen his son yet so it was only fair.  We all spent the night at the hospital waiting for the slightest bit of news but nothing, it seemed like the longest night of all and I asked everyone if they would like a coffee, we all agreed and I brought some munchies back from the vending machine as we all needed to keep our strength up for Blake's sake.  We couldn't risk one us falling ill and fainting through dehydration or not eating.

It was about 10am when the doctors did there rounds and we learned though tests that Blake had two fractured legs, his left arm was broken and his head was wounded badly.  What ever happened he would have to learn to walk again but some good news was Blake had responded slightly to the doctors tests so there was a little bit of hope to hold on to. 

 A week went by and Klohie and Blake's parents took it in turns to sit with Blake, he was never left alone, but some progress had been made and he was responding more and more to tests.  Klohie was in with Blake talking to him about how much she loved him, all the things they did together and the wedding they had planned, Klohie brought his hand up to touch her face and kissed it, she couldn't believe what she saw.  Blake's eyes flickered and she shouted frantically to the nurse, the doctor came running in and I went out to tell his parents what had happened.  The doctor told us Blake was starting to come out of the coma, we were so happy.  We were told to keep talking to him and try to get him to respond to us, it took a couple of days before we got a response.  I was sitting with him again one morning and holding his hand and I decided to ask him a question to see if I got an answer, I held his hand and said

"Blake I love you, if you can hear me squeeze my hand"

With that I felt a slight movement, I couldn't be sure and I thought I imagined it so I asked again.

"Blake if you can hear me please squeeze my hand"

There was my answer, his hand moved again. I burst into tears and called the nurse.  She said he's making good progress and we are all cheering him on, we think he has a good chance of coming round. 

The very next day Blake opened his eyes; he could say anything and just starred at us.  I was talking to him about the weather and general things and whilst he was looking at me I wondered if he knew who I was? I said

"I'm Klohie, your fiancée"

He looked at me and smiled, it melted my heart.  Maybe he did know who I was but just couldn't respond to me. 

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