Chapter Nineteen

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"Hi there, sorry I didn't mean to startle you or anything, let me introduce myself. I'm Reuben, it's a pleasure to meet you, As I saw you in coming out of the designer shops I could see you are a girl who likes her brands and you're dressed so fashionable too.  Sorry I'm rambling on; I have a proposal for you.  You are a very glamorous lady and I am looking for someone like yourself to do some modelling, I have a big modelling agency and am now starting to expand my company in introducing a plus size range.  Please tell me to get lost if you're not interested."

Hi, I'm Klohie.  As a matter of fact I am from England, I'm over here on holiday visiting my friend here Delinda.  I have done quite a bit of plus size modelling actually and really enjoyed it, although I haven't done much since having my son Logan. 

 "Well I would love to see you at my studio and take some photos; you never know this may turn into something big."

"Sounds great, when would you like to see me?"

"Are you about tomorrow?"

"Yes I can do tomorrow"

"Brilliant, thanks Klohie I really look forward to seeing you tomorrow about 10am?"

"Ok thank you, I'll see you tomorrow" I glanced down at his business card and wondered if this was my chance I had been dreaming of?

His name on the card was Reuben Saunders of Modelite; he said the new plus size range would be called Glamourplus, I really liked the name.  Jayden and Delinda looked at me in amazement, "You go girl" said Delinda,

"I'm just in a bit of a shock at the moment" I laughed

"Can we head for a coffee please; I need to steady my nerves"

"Of course, there's a Starbucks just up this road on the left"

"I'm so proud of you Klohie and am proud to have you as my wife"

"Aw thank you Jayden, you are such a supportive husband"

 We spent the afternoon looking around at our leisure and Delinda pointing out places of interests, she had lived here quite a number of years now and knew the place like the back of her hand.

I bought a couple of new dresses and some new cosmetics to make sure I looked the bee's knees for tomorrow; I really wanted to knock them dead.

We decided to eat out again that night and we went to Pizza hut, I fed Logan and changed his nappy before going out and he fell asleep right away.  I felt so blessed to have him and every time I looked at him my heart melted.  I hope people didn't think I was a bad Mum doing my modelling but I wanted the best for him and Jayden and this was the reason I was doing this, to make a better life for us all.  I really wanted to put my all into this addition,' could I make it?'

 Next morning I woke up feeling refreshed after a good nights sleep, I had got over the jet lag and thought today's the day.

As I was in the shower Jayden got Logan sorted out by changing his nappy, dressing him and giving him his bottle.  Delinda had made us another yummy breakfast and afterwards she helped me choose which new dress I should wear out of the two new dresses I bought yesterday,  I did my make up and my hair by putting it up in a twist and left a few strands out for a sexy sultry look.

Delinda drove me to the studio to meet Reuben, it was now 9.30 and I had to meet him at 10.00, we parked in a car park near by and walked over.  It was so hot already and I hope they had air conditioning in the building, although most places did.

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