Chapter Twelve

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On the account of Jayden's side of the story he says the first time I met Klohie was at her house when I was visiting her and Blake, I thought then how attractive Klohie was but wouldn't do anything as she was in a relationship and I wasn't one for breaking up relationships, they seemed really happy together and made a lovely couple. 

I took my bike round for Blake to look and I let him ride it with me on the back.  What a huge mistake that was, we both ended up in an accident and in hospital, I was the lucky one escaping with just a few minor injuries but Blake was the one who took the brunt of it. 

Fractured legs, a broken arm and a wound to his head, I felt so sorry for him and partially blamed myself as it was my bike. 

I visited Blake in hospital most days and would often talk to Klohie as I knew she was going through a difficult time with Blake in hospital, we became really good friends, nothing more. 

When Jayden was discharged from hospital I thought he can now get on with his life and look forward to his wedding but that was not meant to be as a short while later I found out from Klohie that Blake had been cheating on Klohie with Rachel, a physiotherapist who was helping him get back on his feet at the hospital and she certainly did that alright.

Klohie and I began to see more of each other and I would be there for her when she needed me, Blake and Klohie sold their house and when Klohie found another one I helped her move in and did some odd jobs for her. 

I knew then I was falling for her, she was a great girl and I really liked her.  In the end we cut all ties off from Blake and let him get on with his life, I didn't see much of him at work so that worked out well. 

It doesn't bother me in the slightest that Klohie is a big girl, I love her just the way she is.  I jokingly said to her one day if she entered a modelling competition I knew she could win and I didn't think any more of it until Klohie told me she had auditioned for one and she had modelled her way to the finals, I was thrilled. 

Klohie's parents and I went to give her support and see her modelling on the catwalk, Klohie went on to win the final and we were all elated.  I had a little surprise for her after she had been crowned the winner and got up on stage on bended knee to ask if she would marry me and become my wife, she burst into tears and accepted, I felt like the happiest man alive.  We are now planning our wedding for next year and we are both really excited, I cannot wait until the day she becomes my wife.

So many things happen in life and having the accident has made me value my life even more, that's why I decided to take the bull by the horn's and ask Klohie to become my wife.  The assertiveness definitely paid off as she accepted.

In life you can never take anything for granted as you never when your day is up or when you will lose someone special so you have to live everyday as it comes and live life to the max.

Things I believe in are never go to bed on an argument and always kiss your loved ones goodnight, you may never get a chance to apologise or never tell them how much you love them again.

The best things in life are free, treat everyone in the way that you would like to be treated, I believe things happen for a reason and I want to inspire people and for them to look at me and say "Because of you, I didn't give up".

 I wanted to show Klohie how much she means to me so I wrote her a poem and presented it to her rolled up in a scroll with a pretty pink ribbon tied round it into a bow, I like to make her feel special and show her I am a romantic.

 Klohie my love you're the one for me,

 I will make you the happiest girl alive, just you wait and see.

 I loved you since the moment I set eyes on you; I adored you from the start,

 You're so divine and you're mine, you captured my heart.

 You're a beautiful girl; it's you that I crave,

 You have gained so much confidence; you're amazing and so brave.

 You're the missing part of my jigsaw, you make my life complete,

 You have the whole of my heart; you have the key to every single beat.

 Love comes in all shapes and sizes; Love can be blind and comes as surprises,

 I feel alive when I am with you, you make me so hot and my blood pressure rises.

 You're my dream come true, I love being hand in hand,

 You light up my life, I write your name in the sand.

 I cannot wait until you're my wife and see you walk up the aisle,

 You're the apple of my eye; I have your number on speed dial.

"I was over the moon, Jayden wrote me a gorgeous poem which made me cry.  I had never had anyone write me a poem before and It meant so much to me I placed it in a frame and hung it on the wall.

 The plus size wedding gowns were so popular, I was being asked to model at different wedding shows and bridal fayres and there were lots of ladies wanting to see what we had on offer for the bigger girl.  We even included wedding lingerie and I found myself walking down the catwalks in a pure white corset decorated with glittering diamantes, stockings and suspenders, white bridal panties and wedding heels.

Our range was getting bigger and the more we expanded, the popular we became.

I cannot believe how confident I was becoming with my body and modelling underwear with everyone looking at me.   Actually I quite liked it, blokes eyeing me up in my undies.  If I said I didn't like it, I'd be lying. 

I even got the thumbs up from Jay; he wasn't jealous of other blokes looking at all and was it made him feel honoured, telling people I was his fiancée.

With all the dresses I tried on I began to know what I actually wanted for my wedding, right down to the lingerie to, I wanted the full works with the corset, stockings, suspenders with matching panties and heels.  Enchanted dreams has even offered to supply me with a wedding dress on my wedding day, I was saving so much money by people helping me out which meant we could have a better wedding, 

Time was ticking by and there was only a few months left until the big day, we had sent the invitations out and the replies had been received back.  We would be starting our wedding banns at the church soon which will make things seem more realistic and more exciting.

The hen and stag do's are sorted and we both are doing something we enjoy, Jayden is doing a track day with his mates on their bikes and some close friends, family and I are having a pamper day at Champneys health spa and leisure resort.

© Copyrighted 2014 to Lorraine Barber

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