Chapter Three

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Klohie arrived at the entrance to Blake's house, she instantly to a liking to his car which was Toyota Lexis. She went up to the door and rung the bell, her heart was doing gymnastics. Blake answered; he looked as handsome as ever. He was wearing denim jeans with a black belt and a silver buckle which had the Ted Baker logo on and his top was a white fitted t shirt that was very figure hugging and left nothing to the imagination. His rippling six pack looked amazing and she felt her self staring at him longer than she should have done.

"You look gorgeous"

and invited her in. She was lead out to the garden where the other guests were.

"Can I get you a drink Klohie?"

"Yes please, a white wine would be lovely"

The drinks were sorted and they walked down to the seated area.

"Everyone I'd like to introduce you to Klohie, cutting a long story short we met through work and I'd like everyone to make her feel very welcome and Klohie please make yourself at home, help yourself to anything you like"

"Thanks Blake that's very much appreciated"

They sat down and began to talk, the weather was beautifully hot and the wine was going down a treat. Several glasses of bubbly later and she started to feel a little woozy, she hadn't eaten much all day which she put down to nerves so the alcohol had gone straight to her head. One of the guys in charge of the Barbie shouted

"Foods ready"

Klohie thought if she had something to eat, it would soak the alcohol up a bit, Blake sorted her some food and a little while later she started to feel better.

Time passed and it seemed to have gone so quickly, people started to leave. They said there goodbyes and Klohie helped Blake clear up, Blake made a coffee and they sat down in the lounge reminiscing about the afternoon, Blake sat next to her and she could feel the tension building. He was so hot and she fancied him like mad.

"I'm glad you came Klohie"

I've had a lovely afternoon and having your company has made it extra special.

"The feeling's mutual and I've really enjoyed getting to know you better as well"

"To be honest Klohie I've always liked you, you're a lovely girl and I hope you don't mind me saying but I would like to see more of you"

Klohie came over all of a fluster and looked at Blake.

"I'm so pleased you said that as I would like to see more of you too"

They smiled at each other and looked in to each other's eyes,

"Well it's getting late I really must make a move but thank you so much for your hospitality"

"You're more than welcome, anytime"

They walked to the door and Klohie gave Blake her phone number and address, as they stood close together they looked into each others eyes. They could hear each other breathing heavily, the wanting, the lust, and the tension got the both of them and their lips came together for the first time, it was electrifying. Their breathing became deeper and more intense; they both wanted it just as much as the other one did. Klohie broke away and said she needed some fresh air, they agreed they would see each other again soon and arrange another date. As Klohie began to walk home she felt on top of the world and was smiling from ear to ear, the man she fancied liked her too just as much as she liked him. She reached her front door, turned the key and walked in, home at last she thought. She flicked the kettle on and as she stood there waiting for it to boil she couldn't believe her luck and really could not believe what had happened that afternoon. She drank her coffee and went to bed, one happy young lady. She didn't get much sleep that night as a certain gentleman was running through her mind; she got up that morning and was on cloud nine, she definitely had a spring in her step that day.

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