Chapter Twenty Nine

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I must have passed out as I had the staff swarming around me at my desk; I looked up and remembered the phone call and the news I was told but then I don't remember anything after that. I was still trembling life a leaf and I heard someone say they had called Jayden to come and collect me as I was badly shaken up.I managed top open my mouth and blurt the words out "Reuben's dead" everyone looked horrified.

Jayden arrived and took me home, I managed to tell him about the phone call. One of the staff informed me of Reuben's death; it was sudden and totally unexpected. The cause of death was an enormous heart attack, I was totally in shock. Where did this leave me and my job and the new agency in the UK? I hope this didn't mean the worst for us. We had not been open long and we were doing so well. I called Delinda; she had only just heard the tragic news as well. When speaking about Reuben we said how much we would miss him and what we thought the future would hold. I had got over the initial shock and went back into work the next morning, nobody knew what was going to happen, the news had devastated everybody. We just had to hang fire and wait to hear something from Reuben's solicitor to find out what was happening with the business, Reuben's family were very close to the staff in the business abroad and they informed them that there was a will to be read out but didn't know what it would say or when it would be read. As time went on both businesses tried to keep our spirits up and tried to keep positive for the future, we were told the will would be about a month before the will would be read. I had heard the date of the funeral and really wanted to fly out for that, Reuben meant so much to me and I really wanted to pay my last respects to him. I spoke to Jay to see if he would be ok to look after Logan whilst I went and he agreed he could fit in childcare around his work so then I arranged cover at the agency so I could organise my flight.

My daily routine carried on until the day of my flight arrived, I made sure everything was ok at work, I said an emotional goodbye to Jayden and Logan and off I went on my drive to the airport. It was a long quiet drive which give me time to think and reflect on my life, I love the way my life is right now and feel I was so lucky in being given the chance by Reuben to take my plus size modelling to the next level. I arrived at the airport, parked up and went to check in at reception, I spent the next couple of hours watching the planes take off and land over consuming several cups of coffees. Just as I was about to drift off I heard my flight number being called and I went to board, I found my seat, got comfortable and prepared myself for the long haul flight ahead. I couldn't help thinking about my beloved hubby and son; I wondered what they were up to and if they were missing me. My other thought turned to work, I wondered if they were coping without me. I closed my eyes to rest them, I don't remember anymore as I fell asleep.

I woke up after a couple of hours into the journey and decided to watch one of the films they were showing, for the rest of the flight I read some of my book I had started and listened to my mp3 player I brought with me. As the flight came to an end I gathered my thoughts and went through in my head of where I had to go when I got off the plane. I left the plane and went to collect my luggage, once found I got into a taxi and gave the driver the name of the hotel I was staying at. It didn't take very long to get there; I paid the driver and booked in at the hotel reception. I collected my key and went up to my room; I dropped my luggage on the floor then called Jayden to let him know I had arrived ok. I also spoke to Logan telling him mummy was ok and I would be back soon, I flopped down on the bed. I was so tied, I felt like I could sleep for days.

It was several hours before I woke up again, I looked at the clock and realised how long I had been asleep. The time was 11pm; I changed into my nightwear and got into to bed trying to drift back off to sleep, I couldn't help thinking about things. I had so much floating around in my head; I kept thinking about Reuben and how much I missed him. Life was so different without him I will never forget the day I met him and him giving me the chance to flourish, I will always be grateful to him for that. I lay here thinking about how far I had come in my life and how well I had done.I woke up to the buzzing of the alarm clock, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, I looked over it said 7am. I got out of bed, turned the alarm off and hit the power button on the shower and hopped in. the warm water felt so good on my skin and the power shower was so relaxing. The complimentary shower gel the hotel had provided smelt divine and I lathered up in that, rinsed in off and dried myself with the jumbo fluffy white towels. It was pure indulgence and I felt like someone special. I dressed in a long black dress which reached my ankles and put on a pair of chunky black sandals; I dried my hair and did my make up then got everything together and went down stairs to breakfast. There was so much choice; there were fry ups, cereals, Toast, Fresh fruit and croissants, I chose some fresh fruit and a yogurt. I didn't feel like I could manage anything too greasy or heavy, I poured a glass of orange juice and made a cup of coffee and went to find a seat. There weren't too many people in the dining room as it was early so I picked a seat next to the window, it had wonderful views of the beach and I could see people having fun. Lots were holiday makers; you could spot them with their cameras and straw sun hats on. This made me chuckle, I looked around me and there were people who looked like they were on business trips all dressed in suits, there were people in casual wear who again were probably holiday makers hearing their accents.

I finished breakfast and headed out to the front of the hotel, the sun was beautiful, Im so glad the weather was nice, funerals aren't nice at the best of times let alone in terrible weather. I glanced at my watch and it was showing 10am; I walked to the nearest taxi rank. I gave the driver the name of the crematorium I was attending and we set off, I felt a bit nauseous and panicky, I was hoping Delinda would be there. I took a deep breath and my eyes started to fill up with tears. I hadn't shown any emotion previously so why now? I thought to myself I hope im not going to be a blubbering wreck and embarrass myself. I took a tissue from my bag and blotted the tears away from underneath my eyes trying not to ruin my make up. The driver pulled up and told me how much the fare was, I paid him and he said "I wish you all the best my love"I thanked him and said "Im not looking forward to this one bit"The driver came round to open my door, I stepped out the taxi and walked over to the chapel, I could see people already over there. I decided to sit on one of the benched for a while until it was nearer the time, as the time went on there seemed to be a lot of people gathering. The door was now open so I decided to walk over and go in, I looked around, I couldn't recognise anyone at first but then I spotted Delinda. I took a seat next to her, she looked shocked to see me but pleasantly surprised as she didn't know I was attending. I was so glad I was able to make today to pay my last respects to Reuben, I felt happy in myself as I rescheduled my work to be here and I had the backing from my family as well.

Just after 11am the minister started conducting the service, he mentioned a lot of things I didn't know about Reuben but he portrayed him to be a very generous man who would help anyone out who was in need. Delinda grabbed my hand, I could see at the corner of my eye she was wiping the tears away and this upset me too. We sang a couple of hymns listed in the order of service followed by everyone leaving the chapel in single file, we were all given the chance to walk past the coffin to touch it and say a few words. Delinda and I kissed our hand and laid it on the coffin and said R.I.P Reuben, you will never be forgotten. As we left I sobbed into my tissue. After the service there was a wake being held in a near hotel, Delinda and I decided to drop in for a drink and show our faces. We bought a large glass of chilled white wine and went to sit at a table near the other guests, there was a couple of people going round thanking people for attending the service. When they arrived at our table they said they were Reuben's Mother and brother, we introduced ourselves to them too. They were really grateful that I came over from England and thanked me for taking care of the business over there, they said that they didn't know what Reuben had left in his will and who he had left things too but they were going to make sure the business did not go under. This was such a relief to hear.

We went back to Delinda's after spending about an hour with everyone and we spent the afternoon chilling out getting through a couple of bottles of wine, we caught up on all the gossip and we said we would have to see each other again soon but on happier times. I called for a taxi from Delinda's which arrived after quarter of an hour; we hugged and kissed each other and said our goodbyes. I got in the taxi and went back to the hotel, I decided to have a nice long relaxing bubble bath and relax before going home in the morning. As the water started to get cold I got out and wrapped myself in the lovely fluffy white towels which had been freshly changed this morning, I wrapped my hair in a towel and tucked it in at the nape of the neck. I put my nightwear on and laid on the bed for a while drinking a cup of cocoa watching the television, After making a call to Jayden to let him know I was alright I started to fall asleep so I turned everything off making sure my alarm was set for 4am then got into bed. Morning seem to come round so quick and before I knew it, it was time to get up, I got washed and dressed and gathered all my belongings together and went downstairs. I checked out the hotel and waited for the taxi to collect me which I had already booked; the taxi was spot on time. I was on my way back to the airport, I couldn't get home quick enough as I had missed Jayden and Logan and needed to see them so bad. I checked in and was pleased to see my flight was scheduled on time; I looked around a few of the shops there and decided to treat myself to a new perfume to cheer myself up. I went and had an early breakfast as my flight wasn't due for another two hours and I was really hungry, I consumed a few more coffees whilst reading the book I had started on the flight over which passed some time. The flight home seemed so long getting back, after several hours of sleeping, reading, watching films and listening to music we finally touched down in England. I called Jayden again to let him know I had landed and I would be home soon, I got in my car and started to drive home.

© Copyrighted 2015 to Lorraine Barber

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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