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Tick. Tok. Tick. Tok. The sound of pencils scribbling began to occupy his mind and the constant ticking of the clock soon started to create a parallel reality for him. This was the life he knew. Exams. The continuous life of a student. Long hours each night preparing... studying. It never stopped. Never slowed down. With college entrance exams approaching at the end of the year, the pressure was at its highest. This was make or break. You either succeeded or failed. Went to college or dropped out and was never heard of again.

"Pencils down." His hand stopped moving and he finally let go of the pencil. His skin was red. He must have been gripping too hard. Lifting his gaze, he looked around at all the other students. Nervous. Sure. Confident. Complete dread. Such was the myriad of emotions on test day. It never stopped.

"Hand your exams in as you leave." He stood and gathered his things. Coming to the front of the classroom, he placed his exam on the table and soon left. Today was Friday, the day all students silently rejoiced and wished for. Today, he could relax if only for a little while. For tomorrow, it was back to school. He headed towards the gates and took his favorite shortcut. Away from the masses, he could be alone. This was a way no one knew of.

 Of course, he could have been picked up. But then, what good was it to have a flashy car there for everyone to see? He didn't want that kind of attention. He preferred to be treated just as everyone else. He slung his backpack over his shoulders and reached up to unbutton his jacket and loosen his tie. Life such as this got very stale. Boring. He questioned his existence. What was he here for? All he did was the same. Everyday, it began predictable. There was nothing ever exciting.

The wind picked up and hit his face like a fresh wave. There had to be more to life than this. Going to school, studying and sleeping. Surely. There had to be. Right? He sighed and slung his backpack over his shoulder. Life was so exhausting. Even the sun seemed cliche.

"Iwase-san!" He stopped to face his driver. When had he driven up? How long had he been following him?


"Why didn't you wait at school?"

"I wanted to walk."

"I am instructed to pick you up."

"I wanted to walk." He repeated in a monotone voice.

"Please, I must take you home." He was silent as he got in the car. As the trees faded in a green blur, he wondered what laid between the green, the center? If he went there where would he go and what would he find?


Life as she knew it had just been completely flipped upside down. Here she was having been practically shipped in a box to Japan. She had begged her parents not to send her here but being that her father had prominent connections here in the Land of the Rising Sun, she was to go wherever they sent her. Pulling up to the house, she sat in the back of the car and tried to blend in with the seats.

"Ms. Marshall, please exit the vehicle. I must get you inside."

"I don't want to."

"I know it's a little scary... but I'm here with you. Everything will be okay!" There was silence before an audible sigh was heard in the dark quietness.

"Fine." She opened the car and got out. The spring air was a bit chilly and she shivered, clutching her thin jacket closer.

"Here is key. Go on inside." She took the key and went to unlock the door. Stepping inside, her eyes widened. The house they had provided for her was nice! It was simple but would do for her. It sucked that the only ones here was going to be her and a few others. Her driver told her that it was in a good neighborhood so she wouldn't have to worry about anything happening. The school she was enrolled in was a walk away and all of the necessities like stores and food were close. She guessed it seemed homely. Her driver soon came in with some of her bags.

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