066. djinn

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"Just tell us what happened." Ophelia pressures her cousin to revealing anything about the Halloween party. The blonde, Evie, and Daphne are on the second to youngest girl's bed while said girl paces the room.

"I told you, I was wasted. I don't remember a lot of it." Libby says.

"I can feel you lying, you realize that, right?" Ophelia asks.

"Yeah, I can tell to. Twin connection or no twin connection." Evie says.

"Dude, even I can tell you're lying." Daphne says. "I mean, were you shitfaced? Sure. But you definitely remember some things you do not want to tell us."

"We... might've almost kissed." Libby quietly says.

"What?" Ophelia asks, not hearing her. Daphne's face scrunches in confusion. Evie's eyes widen, her jaw dropping, being the only one to make out her sister's statement.

"We almost kissed." Libby quickly says.

It takes the older two a moment before their eyes widen in realization.

"Holy, shit!" They both exclaim.

"You almost kissed?" Evie grins and Libby nods a little.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God!" Ophelia grins.

"How close were you? Like-- like was he two feet away? Were your lips touching? What?" Daphne asks.

"I could feel his breath on my face." Libby says. Daphne squeals, excitedly shaking Ophelia's arm. "But it doesn't matter. Nothing is going to happen." Libby says.

"What?" Evie frowns.

"Oh, come on." Ophelia groans.

"In case you haven't noticed, I don't have a great track record with trusting boyfriends." Libby says.

"You had one boyfriend. You need more to start making references." Daphne says.

"Not everybody is a secret psycho, honey." Ophelia tells her. "Trust me, I've been around Ethan. There is not a bad bone in that boy's body."

"Unless he's so good that he can hide those bad bones from a psychic." Libby points out. "Huh? You think about that?"

"I don't think any human has the ability to do that to me." Ophelia says. "It-- I mean, does Ethan even know I'm psychic?"

"I think so." Libby says. "But even if he told me no, does he really not know? I mean, our family is pretty famous in the hunter world. We're basically the Kardashians of hunting or some shit."

"Look, Libs, I... I know your last dude ended up being... well, a piece of shit." Ophelia says.

"Who killed me." Libby adds.

"Right." Ophelia mumbles. "But not every guy is out to get you. Take it from the person who has everybody's emotions trapped inside of her 24/7, he likes you, and he's a good person. He walked you home drunk. He respects your boundaries, he-- he doesn't pry too much if it's uncomfortable, he didn't run when you told him about the demon blood or anything else."

"Well, even if he was a good person, he's annoying." Libby comments.

"No, that's just you trying not to like him." Daphne says.

"It is not. He's a pain in my ass." Libby states.

"I mean... if you admit some feelings or just wanna relieve stress, something else could be in your ass." Daphne muses.

Libby chucks a pillow at her as the older two laugh and Evie grimaces, shaking her head.

After the two older ones leave, Evie hangs back for a bit.

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