Chapter 1

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Cassie packed up her things as the clock was just hitting two fifty-nine. She was tired, her feet hurt, her ankles were swelling in her shoes, and really, very tired. Not to mention, the baby has been kicking non-stop since Ben left. She was staring to feel like her insides were getting bruised!

She leaned back into her chair and shut her eyes for just a moment. She knew she was going to be required to spend a lot of energy between Ben and Tom and was already feeling the effects. She breathed in through her nose and out through her mouth. The sound of the rain padding against the windows soothed her even more.

This seemed to cause the baby to relax as well. His kicks were getting more and more soft.

Just as she was feeling a little more zen, she felt a hand go onto her leg. Her eyes jolted open to see Ben kneeling next to her legs and looking up at her with a warm smile.

"Hey, you," he said. "Ready to head out?"

She nodded and went to pick up her bag, but he snatched it up before she could. He slung it over his shoulder, then helped her stand from the chair. While she headed towards the door, he went into the employee break room to collect her coat. She did start to get it herself, but he insisted he do it.

Once they stepped outside, the chilled air and harsh mist of the downpour hit their faces. Cassie immediately shivered, causing Ben to bring her into his tight embrace. He walked them to the car, shielding her from the rain as much as he could. By the time they had made it there, it didn't matter. They were both soaked to the bone.

"Shame neither of us remembered an umbrella," he said as he shook his hair out in the car.

"Who carries an umbrella in California?" She asked.

He started up the car and got the heat running. "Touché. Let's get you back and into a warm shower." He drove more carefully than he ever has in his life. Cars were actually honking at him to go faster!

"I've got a pregnant woman on board, you prick!" He shouted at the latest person to flip him off.

Cassie was trying to suppress her smile and giggles at all of this.

"Oh, think this is funny, do you missy?" He asked.

"I do, as a matter of fact," she chuckled. "It's sweet, too."

The corner of his lip lifted up in a smile as he reached over and put his hand on her stomach. The moment he did, he felt a kick.

"Woah there," he laughed. "What was that? Was that him?"

Cassie felt slightly bad in that moment because they broke up right before the kicks started. Ben hasn't felt them, nor has he even seen the latest ultrasound pictures. He truly did not know a thing about what was going on with his son.

"Yeah," she told him, "he does it quite often, but mostly when I'm trying to sleep. After you left today is when he started it up. I think he likes the sound of his daddy's voice."

She noted the proud smile that immediately came up on his lips.

"Well, I'll speak to my boy until my voice is raw if I get to feel that again." He ended his sentence with a little laugh because he was truly beside himself with joy at hearing this. Just as he finished laughing, he felt another kick.

His hand didn't leave her stomach until he had to get out of the car. When he pulled into his driveway, he hopped out and quickly opened her door. He helped her get out, then grabbed her bag. The rain had settled slightly into a harsh mist, but with the thunder rolling above them they knew another storm was coming.

He got them inside quickly and immediately cranked up the heat.

"Alright, my dear, you take a shower and get the two of you warmed up. Take anything you need from my closet and I'll put your clothes in the dryer. Would you like any tea? I bought ginger just in case you, um...well, in case you ever decided to come back."

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