Chapter 20

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"Mr. Chamberlain, you've improved exponentially over this course. I have no doubt you're going to do just fine." Ben patted his anxiety stricken student on the back and led him out of his office. He had made an appointment worrying about his final grade and Ben spent the better part of an hour assuring him he didn't need to.

But that was his job. Thanks to Cassie, he's gotten a new outlook and understanding of his students. He used to think they were ridiculous for being so stressed about even the smallest things, but once he got experience with Cassie's anxiety and depression, it dawned on him that there's more to it.

She even, rightfully so, pointed out his own anxieties and how other people might relate to it. He never really thought of it that way. Then again, he didn't think a lot of ways until he met her.

Just as he was going to shut the door to his office, he heard a voice call, "Mr. Cumberbatch, wait!" He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Goddammit," he muttered. He could see Lauren running down the lecture hall stairs. "Ms. Gardner, like I said before our last unscheduled need to schedule a meeting with me."

"I know, I know," she quickly told him, "but this is an emergency!" She went past him and into his office. He let out a sharp sigh and kept the door open.

"And just like last time's unscheduled emergency meeting - and the time before that - you still need to schedule." He sat down at his desk while she ignored his comment and dug around her bag. She pulled out a stack of papers and practically slammed it onto his desk.

He jumped a little. "I need you to check this over," she practically whined.

Sighing, he put on his glasses and picked up the stack. "This is your essay. I can't read over essays before the due date, you know this."

"I know, but I was hoping you would make an exception? I'm trying out the new method you taught and I only want to make sure I'm doing it correctly. Please?"

Ben sucked in a deep breath as he stared at her. She wasn't at the brink of crying like she used to be before their more than awkward meeting - which Ben has agreed to let go of after a meeting with The Dean. They discussed it and agreed it was too late in the term to make her switch Professors. Ben said he would let bygones be bygones if she apologized, which she did. She was very remorseful, but still got put on academic probation for her actions.

Cassie wasn't too thrilled about her still being in his class, but promised Ben she wouldn't wait in the parking lot with a baseball bat for her, which he did appreciate.

After realizing Lauren wasn't going to let up, Ben let out his deep breath. "Fine, but only the parts that have the new structure. Which pages?"

She nervously twisted her hands. "Um...all of it?"

He gave her a double take, then rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm not doing that. I'll look over the first five and that is it." He started his read while she started to glance around his office. She's only been in here for a quick question or two, but never for a meeting like this. He always held their meetings in the lecture hall.

"Who's this?" She asked. Ben glanced up from the paper. She was looking at a picture of Cassie.

"My girlfriend." He looked back at her paper and continued to read.

"She was the one who was your student, right?" He glared at her over his glasses. She quickly got the message. "Right, I'm sorry, too far." He went back to her paper.

She set down the picture, but then picked up the frame next to it. "Oh...are...are you having a baby?"

Ben slapped down the essay once he was finished. "She is, would be quite impossible for me; your structure is fine, if you've done this for the rest, it should be exceptional. Is that all, Ms. Gardner?"

She packed up the essay as she told him, "Yes, that's all, thank you. I hope I didn't take up too much of your time."

Speaking of time, Ben looked at the clock. He was relieved to know that he wasn't going to be late. He packed up his things and headed out.

It took him about twenty minutes to get to and park at the hospital. Checking in was a whole other nightmare and now he really thought he was going to be late. Thankfully, when he walked into the room, there wasn't anyone but Cassie.

"Thank God," he breathed out, "I thought I was going to be late." He gave her a kiss, then kissed her stomach. "How are you feeling since this morning?"

She had a bad case of morning sickness when he left. He wanted to stay and make sure she was alright, but she insisted he leave. "I'm fine," she giggled. "It was just morning sickness, I'll be alright. How was class?"

He let out a grunt. "Fine, I suppose. Had another...unscheduled meeting." That got her to roll her eyes. "Yeah, I know. Tried to get me to read her essay for feedback before it's due."

"Well that's stupid."

"You're telling me," he laughed. "I read the first five pages and that was that. If she keeps doing this, I will report her again."

Cassie took his hand and put it on her stomach. "I think that's a good idea," she told him. "For right now, though, let's focus on this. Are we finding out the sex today?"

"God yes," he answered immediately. "I know we discussed waiting, but I think I might explode."

They both laughed and she brought him in for a kiss. "Then we'll find out. I'm so excited, Ben. It feels right this time. Not that it didn't before, know."

He smirked. "I know what you mean."

The Doctor came in a moment later and asked all sorts of basic pregnancy questions before setting up the ultrasound. Ben held onto Cassie's hand as the gel was applied to her stomach and the wand moved around. Soon, they could see a blurb on the screen.

"There they are," they Doctor said, tracing the outline of the baby. "Have we discussed the option of finding out the sex today?"

"Yes, we would love to find out," Cassie informed her. She could feel Ben eagerly squeeze her hand.

"Well, from what I can see here, you are both going to welcome a baby boy! Congratulations!"

Ben's smile lit up the room and his eyes sparkled with joy. "My baby boy," he happily said. "Will we be able to hear his heartbeat?" Cassie was surprised he asked, but pleased nonetheless. The Doctor happily played the heartbeat. "Oh my God, that's our son," he chuckled.

Cassie forgets he wasn't around for this the first time around. All of this was new to him and she loved how he was basking in it. She found herself falling in love with him all over again.

They drove home separately after the appointment, but Ben made sure to beat her there so he could help her out of the car with her things. Once they got in and he set everything down, she brought him in for a hug.

"Oh," he breathed out with a small chuckle. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and put his lips to her head. "What's this about? You alight?"

She smiled and sighed contently into his chest. "I'm more than alight," she said. "I just love you." Those words made his heart flutter and his smile go wider.

"I love you, too, darling. Since that first night in Mexico, I have loved you."

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