Chapter 3

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After their clothes dried and their minds were at ease, Ben and Cassie started talking more about preparations for the baby. She was explaining how unprepared she is in terms of the nursery, especially now that she's moving.

Ben got a little shy as he admitted he's had the nursery done for weeks.

He showed her up the stairs and opened the bedroom door. Cassie gasped as the room came into view. It was colored a dark blue with even white lines going around the top of the wall. The crib was a beautiful darkened wood and a matching changing table beside it.

The rocking chair was the same color and comfortable looking in the corner. He had diapers stocked in the closet along with wipes and even some baby clothes. The toys he had gotten made her laugh since the baby wouldn't be able to use them for a while.

The doorbell rang and Ben answered it to a very cheerful Tom. They gave each other a brotherly hug. Tom handed Ben a wine, then immediately put his sights on Cassie who was watching this happen.

"Do my eyes deceive me? Did this sod actually get you to come over and forgive him?" He pulled her into a strong hug as she smiled.

"He did and I wouldn't say we're quite at the forgive and forget stage, but...we'll see." She gave Ben a wink he could only laugh at.

"Oh, I'll get you there yet," he chuckled. "Tom, we decided on Thai if that's alright with you. It'll be here in about twenty minutes."

"Perfect!" Tom said as he clapped his hands. "That gives me plenty of time to ask this beauty about how she and this one have been! How's it been, darling? Tell me everything."

Tom led Cassie into the living room and ultimately stole her from Ben. He walked in to see the two of them chatting away on the couch and got completely ignored when he sat across from them.

It made him smile. He sat and watched the way Cassie told him things about her pregnancy not even he knew. When she mentioned something about her feet aching, he pulled them into his lap and gave them a massage.

"Easy there, Thomas," Ben chuckled. "That's my job."

"And you have yet to attend to it, apparently," Tom teased back.

Dinner arrived shortly after and they all went to the dining room. They split the cartons and bowls, getting a little bit of everything with some seconds.

Ben and Tom talked the entire time, either reminiscing or arguing about the reminiscing.

"Oh, come on you hit me first!"

"I did not!"

"Did to!"

"Fine, you were the first to go down!"

"Was not!"

"Was to!"

"Okay, boys," Cassie laughed, "that's enough! Ben, do you have anything for dessert that aren't my sour gummy worms?"

"Yeah, you picked up ice cream remember," he said pointing to the kitchen.

He watched her disappear into the kitchen as he and Tom cleaned up the cartons.

"So how did the talk go, then? Well I'm assuming?" He piled a few cartons onto one plate.

"Yes, actually, very well," Ben smiled. "I'm not getting my hopes up, but she's spending the night. I don't think I'm going to convince her to move in quite yet, though."

Tom scoffed, "I should hope not. You two have so much to work out still. You'd blow the roof off this fucking place if you moved in together."

Ben, as he walked to the kitchen with the trash, stopped and turned to his friend. "How is it you give near perfect relationship advice when you've never been in one yourself?"

Tom walked past him as he said, "Ah, perks of being a divorce lawyer, my friend. Well, the one perk next to the amount of money people will pay."

Ben certainly couldn't argue with that. He followed Tom into the kitchen where Cassie had three bowls of ice cream sitting out and was currently cutting fruit. "Darling, what's this? It looks wonderful."

He watched as she put the fruit into the bowl, then drizzled over some chocolate and Irish cream. She handed the boys their bowls. "Dessert!" She cheerfully said. "It is my specialty."

He felt a pang of guilt. He forgets about her dessert skills and it kills him. It just proves how much he doesn't know her and just isn't around.

"Thank you," he sincerely told her. He kissed her lightly on the cheek, as did Tom. "Your's doesn't have Irish cream, does it?"

She showed him his bowl that had no Irish cream, but a lot of chocolate. She looked very proud of the amount.

"No hot Cheetos? Pickles? Gummy worms?"

"Sour gummy worms," she corrected, "and absolutely not, we have a guest."

Tom took a bite and moaned at the dessert as he walked out from the room. He kept making them louder the further he got, making both Ben and Cassie laugh.

Lowly and getting slightly closer to her, Ben asked, "So we have a guest, do we?" He set his bowl down behind her on the counter and used that hand to hold her waist.

She acted like he wasn't doing anything and ate her ice cream. He smirked down at her and brought her a little closer to him. "This chocolate is amazing," she said with her mouth full. "What is this? What did I get?"

She was genuinely focused on the chocolate and he could see that. It made him smile even more. "Dark chocolate," he answered. "You almost put in milk chocolate, but I swapped it because I knew that would mean another trip to the store."

She couldn't help the blush on her cheeks and the smile on her lips. He gave her a smirk, then took his near melted ice cream and took a bite. He acted like Tom and let out a loud moan. It made her laugh. As he went back to the living room, his moans got louder like Tom. 

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