Chapter 35

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"Is there anything we can do next time to prevent that utter madness from happening again?" Ben asked as he carried Peter into their rented house in London. They just landed about an hour ago, but it couldn't have been sooner.

Peter may have been giggly and smiling at his dad right now, but he has been the spawn of Satan for the past nine hours. The parents did all they could to prepare him for the flight and make sure he doesn't cause the passengers of their plane to want to kill them.

No amount of research could have prepared them for what happened. The crying. The wailing. The tantrums, the screaming. Ben thought about opening up the emergency exit in mid air and just ending it all. He ended up buying everyone a round of drinks which seemed to help.

"Benadryl," Sam answered as he came with his and May's bags. "Crush it up, put it in his juice. We did that with Cass all the time!" Ben made a note in his phone to get baby Benadryl or something similar before they leave.

"This house is beautiful, Benedict!" May gushed. "And we're here all Summer?"

Ben smiled proudly as he said, "Yes, ma'am. Here, can you take him while I help Cass with the rest of the bags?" He handed Peter over to his future mother-in-law, then jogged outside. Cassie was just grabbing her suitcase and the baby bag.

He came over and grabbed the baby bag from her, then took his own suitcase. "I was thinking," he said, as they checked to make sure everything was out, "maybe you and I can go out a little later? We can get some groceries and grab some dinner at a restaurant nearby?"

He noticed how nervous he sounded. It's almost as if he was asking her out on a first date! Cassie clocked this and gave him an odd look. He just cleared his throat and shut the trunk of the car. He waited for her answer.

"Sounds fine by me," she eventually told him. "We should invite mom and dad." While Ben knew it was a good idea to invite them, he didn't want to. He was planning on telling her about his house he never sold and he wanted it to be in private, but also in a public setting.

"Yeah," he croaked out, "great idea. I'll go let them know!"

Cassie could tell something was off. She kept an eye on him as they went inside and told them the plan for the night. Since they needed to stay up and get used to the time change anyways, they thought it was a good idea. But then there was the issue with Peter and how he'll definitely be passed out in a few hours.

"Maybe we can stay here, then, and you two can go out and have some fun," May suggested.

Ben was about to argue, but Cassie quickly said, "That's a good idea! We can bring you something back to eat from the restaurant." Ben gave her a nod, then said they should head out soon since it was getting close to dark.

They had a chance to shower and change from their long flight. They went into the Master bedroom which was huge. Cassie's favorite part was the shower. It was a rain shower and she knew her and Ben were going to have a fun time utilizing that.

Before leaving, they made sure to set up everything for Peter's room. He got a crib delivered here the other day and, even though he insisted he would do it, his dad came by and put it all together. Still, they set up his play pen, toys and made sure the changing table was good to go.

By the time they left, it was nearly eight o'clock.

They decided to go shopping tomorrow morning and just go to the restaurant. They placed their orders in, then placed Sam and May's for later. Once the waiter was gone and they were alone, Cassie took a sip of her wine and asked, "What's going on?"

Ben raised his eyebrows at her and took a deep breath. "Nothing," he told her. "Tired. Why?" She gave him a look that he knew all too well. She didn't believe him. He was always a bad liar around her. "Fine," he sighed. "There's something we need to talk about, but I don't want to do it right this moment. Is that alright?"

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