Chapter 33

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"Benedicto!" Sam held his arms open and Ben happily gave him a hug. He stepped aside and let him and May inside the house. Ben had just gotten Cassie and Peter home after two days in the hospital. Sam and May wanted to come see how everyone was doing, as well as meet Ben's parents who just flew in last night.

Both Wanda and Tim were in the living room with Peter and very happily greeted Sam and May. "It is so good to finally meet you," Wanda gushed as she and May held hands. "Benedict has told us so much and we've been so set on meeting you both!"

"Same for us!" Sam exclaimed. "I was afraid we wouldn't meet before the wedding!"

"Whenever that is," May mumbled to Wanda.

Ben lightly rolled his eyes. He knew May and his mother were going to conspire and berate him about wedding details. "Where's Cass?" Sam asked.

Ben cleared his throat and gestured to upstairs. "She's tired. She'll join us, don't worry. Tom will be here, as well. I didn't exactly think it through when I invited him to the place his girlfriend was murdered, but he seemed keen about he idea."

Right on cue, there was a knock at the door. Ben jogged over and opened it to Tom. "Hey, mate," Ben smiled. "It's good to see you." They shared a brotherly hug, then Ben led him in. Wanda and Tom greeted him like he was their own son, as did Sam and May.

"Where's Cass?" Tom asked. Ben was going to get real tired of that question soon.

Ben discreetly took Tom into the kitchen and sighed. "I don't think she's comfortable being here," he admitted. "I don't think she wants to be in the house where it happened and I don't blame her. Shit, I'm surprised you're here."

Tom looked down at his feet and lightly kicked them. "Yeah...that thought had crossed my mind. But I thought if Cassie could do it, then..." He sadly sighed.

Ben suddenly had an idea. "Why don't you go talk to her?" He asked. Tom looked at him confused. "She's upstairs. She said she was going to take a nap, but I know she isn't. I think it would do both of you some good to talk." Tom nodded. He knew it was a pretty good idea, but he wasn't sure if he was quite ready. "If not for you, if not for me...then for her. Please."

Tom scoffed and shook his head. "Guilt tripping me has never worked, you know." He and Ben stared at each other until Tom finally sighed, "Fine." He pushed himself off of the counter and made his way up the stairs. He didn't know which room was their's, but saw a door closed at the end of the hall.

He went up to it and lightly knocked. A soft "come in" was said through the door. He opened it and timidly entered. Cassie was in bed, still in her pajamas, sitting up against the headboard, and surrounded by pictures. She was surprised to see Tom.

"Hey, Tom," she softly greeted. "Um...everything okay?"

Tom shook his head. He lightly shut the door behind him. "No," he told her, "not really. Everything okay with you?"

She gave him a sad smirk. "No. Not really. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy to have Peter, but..." She couldn't finish her sentence.

Tom nodded in understanding. "Yeah." He made his way over and sat next to her on the bed. He took in a deep breath and looked at the view in front of him. "You know, I really don't do relationships. Haven't in years. Seeing you and Ben together made me think that might change, but I was determined it wouldn't. Is it okay if I say this?" He realized he was about to speak of her deceased best friend since childhood.

She nodded and gave a small smile. "Of course it is."

He looked down and saw all of the pictures on the bed were of her and Katie. He picked one up and smiled at it. "She told me about this. The high school party that landed you both in jail for the night, right?"

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