Chapter 36

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5 Years Later

Ben dramatically groaned and stretched as he woke from his slumber. His back popped and his neck cracked as he draped his arm over the warm body beside him. He snuggled into his wife's neck and sighed contently. With his eyes still closed, he smiled when he felt her hand go up his arm.

"Good morning," he hoarsely spoke into her neck.

She yawned and stretched before mumbling, "Morning."

They stayed there in silence for a while. Ben thought they were about to go back to sleep, but remembered they did have somewhere to be today. "Baby, we should get up and get ready."

Cassie let out a groan and pleaded, "Five more minutes."

He kissed her neck and caved at her request, but got up himself. He knew he would be asleep right along side her and they'd sleep the day away. Oh how he wishes they could! While she took her extra five minutes, he got his clothes together and started up the shower.

Once it was nice and warm, he climbed back into bed and gently kissed her face. She mumbled and groaned, but managed to wake up. Ben took her hands and helped her up out of the comfy bed and led her to the bathroom.

They both got into the shower and he helped her wash up without any funny business. He massaged her head with shampoo and conditioner, then her neck, shoulders, back, and legs with body wash.

Just as he was about to start up some funny business, they both heard at the same time, "Mommy!" They huffed out a laugh and Ben reluctantly let her go and watched as she got out of the shower. He stayed and got himself cleaned up.

In the meantime, Cassie dried herself off and put on her robe. The moment she opened the bedroom door, Peter was standing at the door. He was dressed and had his backpack over his shoulders. He was giving her a proud and heart-melting smile.

"Well, look at my grown up boy," she gushed. "And where are you going, mister?"

"To school!" He excitedly said with a little hop. He loves school. Like father, like son.

Cassie giggled. She wished Ben was out here to witness this. "Honey, it's Saturday. You don't have school."

His little excited face suddenly dropped. She's never known a kid to be disappointed about it being the weekend. "But I want to play with Charlie and Edison," he pouted. Charlie and Edison were his best friends.

"I know, baby," she cooed, "but you'll see them on Monday. Actually, you get to spend all day with your grandparents today! How does that sound?"

His smile quickly came back. "Yeah!"

Ben came out with only a pair of dress pants around his waist and went up behind Cassie. He put his arms around her and looked at Peter. "Well, look at you all ready to go like a big boy. You do know it's Saturday?"

"Yes, daddy," Peter smiled, "but grandma and grandpa are coming!" He started hopping around in circles.

Ben chuckled. "Yes they are and so are Nan and Pop Pop. You'll have both sets today, lucky lad." He looked to Cassie. "Get ready, darling, and I'll get him fed." He kissed her cheek, then picked up Peter with his backpack and all.

He brought him down to the kitchen, then made him a bowl of cereal with some fruit. He had a bowl himself and ate at the table with Peter. Peter was a very curious kid. The moment he figured out what a question was, he never stopped asking them.

This was one of Ben's favorite things about his son. He loved his curiosity and he loved how he soaked up every answer and never asked the same question twice. The questions would be random, too. He might ask about animals, planes, a character he saw on television, a book he read in school, a person he saw in the car.

Your Guardian Angelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें