Chapter 32

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Ben listened to her steady heartbeat with his eyes closed and holding Cassie's hand close to his lips. She went into cardiac arrest in the ambulance, but they were able to get her to the hospital on time. She's stable now.

He's felt her hand twitch quite a bit in the last few minutes. As much as he wanted her to wake up, he was dreading it. Her squeezes were getting to be more and more, until eyes jolted open. Ben sat upright and put his hand on her head. "Honey..."

She looked around, but once she landed on him, she started to anxiously say; "She was in the house! She was there, Ben, and she tried attacking me and-and...!" Ben tried to gently shush her and calm her down, but she kept saying, "We-we came back and she was already in the house! We didn't lock the door, Ben, I'm so sorry!"

She started to hyperventilate. "Baby, baby it's okay," he assured. "Look at me, it's alright." He lovingly shushed her and pressed a long kiss to her forehead.

"She tried to stab me," she quietly said, "but Katie pushed me out of the way. I don't remember anything after that." Ben brought her in for a hug and teared up. "But I fell on my stomach. I-I..." She felt over her stomach, but something felt odd. She started to suddenly realize how sore she was.

Ben moved her head up until she was looking at him. "Darling, something went wrong in the ambulance." He could see the panic in her eyes. "You went into cardiac arrest. They were able to help you, but it cut off oxygen to him."

She opened her mouth to say something, but instead started to cry. Ben continued, "Honey, they had to induce the pregnancy. You had a c-section." She eased up on her crying, but was incredibly confused. As Ben turned to look behind him, she followed his eyes.

There was a crib with the most beautiful baby she'd ever seen wrapped in a blue blanket. She put her hand over her mouth and looked at Ben. He smiled widely at her. "Do you want to meet our son?"

She anxiously nodded and made grabby hands. "Gimme him, gimme him." Ben chuckled as he got up and went to the crib. He carefully picked the baby up and gave the biggest smile she's ever seen.

"Come on, baby boy, let's meet mummy," he said as he lightly bounced the tiny human and walked towards the bed. He sat down next to Cassie, then carefully put him in her arms. His smiled got the widest it's ever been from this sight alone.

Cassie was holding their son with a smile and cooing and kissing his head. She looked so natural already. It made him fall so much more in love with her. As she stroked their little boy's cheek with her thumb, she looked to Ben and said, "We need to give Katie the biggest thank you gift of all time."

Ben's smile faltered. His eyes stung with tears, but he tried his best not to look any less happy than he was. He failed miserably. "What is it?" She asked. "She's okay, right?" Ben ran his hand down his face and took a deep breath.

", she...she didn't just push you out of the way...she got in front of you." He watched her face as she processed what he said. Her face was expressionless, but her mouth was slightly open. He continued with a wobbly voice, "I tried, I tried to stay with her and put pressure on the wound, but it...fuck! It just wasn't enough, baby, I'm sorry."

Cassie's eye slowly went down to her son. He was sleeping and so cozy and content in his mom's arms. He was completely obvious, unaware, unbothered. Oh, how she envied him. Her eyes started to tear up. "She's dead." It wasn't a question.

Ben closed his eyes and nodded. He squeezed her arms with his hands and bowed his head. "I am so sorry, Cass." She kept staring at her baby and nodded. She nodded, had her eyes sting with tears, but not a single one dropped. "Do you need some time to yourself?"

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