Chapter 17

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Ben walked through the door with a sigh and set his bag down. Even though he only had two classes to teach today, he was beat. He was up all night taking care of Cassie because she got sick in the middle of the night. He told her not to eat that sushi from the gas station.

He went up the stairs and into their room to see her fast asleep on the covers. His eyes immediately went to her exposed thighs in her short pajama shorts. Even when she's sick, he finds her incredibly sexy.

After admiring her for a moment, he went to the ensuite. He didn't have time to take a shower this morning and thought now a better time as any. He got in the hot shower and rinsed off the sleep, the sweat, the stress of the day. He took his time and steamed up the bathroom.

When he got out, he wrapped one towel around his waist and dried his hair with another. He tossed the towel aside, but missed the sink and it fell into the trash can with an alarming sound. He winced and listened for any movement from the other room, hoping he hadn't disturbed her sleep.

Carefully, he took the towel out of the trash, but there were tissue papers and other sticky things attached to it. He sighed and started picking them off. As one fell into the trash, his eyes noticed it fall on something. Curious, he picked it back up.

His heart sprang up to his chest.

It wasn't the sushi that made her sick.

He bent down pulled out the positive pregnancy test.

He put his hand over his mouth to cover his smile. He so longed to have a family with her, especially after all that they went through. Now that things have settled and they're content with their lives, he couldn't think of a single reason why he shouldn't be happy!

They've talked about it here and there and he has expressed his desire to start a family with her. It did catch her off guard, but it made her so happy.

Ben eagerly got dressed and quietly slipped into bed with her. He ghosted his fingers up her exposed legs and around to her belly. He put his palm on her stomach and gently kissed her shoulder. She squirmed and stretched until her eyes finally opened to Ben smiling happily at her.

"What's got you all happy?" She tiredly asked as she turned into his arms.

He pressed a kiss to her lips. "You probably didn't intend on me seeing it, but...well, I saw the pregnancy test." Her eyes widened, but he took it as him ruining the surprise. "I know, darling, you were probably planning on telling me a different way, but I'm just so happy it's happening."

He laughed with joy and went to kiss her again, but this time she put her hand on his chest to stop him. "Ben...I'm sorry, but I'm not pregnant." His smile slowly started to droop.

"What? But I saw the test, I..."

She sat up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "It was one, Ben, that's all. I thought I was, too, so I made an appointment with my doctor after you left, but she didn't see anything in the ultrasound. It was a false positive. I'm sorry."

He let out a deep, disappointed breath and nodded. "I'm so sorry, babe," she continued as she cuddled up to him. "I was going to tell you, I promise. Can I just say, I'm really pleased your acting this way." He looked at her curiously, so she explained, "You want a baby with me this time."

He huffed out a laugh and pulled her closer by her hip. "Of course I want a baby with you," he told her. "I want many babies with you. When I saw that test...I don't know. It felt right."

She smiled and sweetly kissed his neck. "I love you, Ben."

He brought her head up next to his and kissed her lips. "I love you more."

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