Chapter 11

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"Babe, you ready?" Ben called as he impatiently jingled his keys.

Cassie came eagerly down the stairs a moment later. "Let's get going!"

He laughed as she grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door like he was the one making them late. While they were in the car, Cassie took out a card from her purse and started writing on it.

"Want me to sign your name for you?" She asked.

"Yeah, please," he told her.

They pulled up to a luxurious looking house a moment later. "My, they keep getting bigger and bigger, don't they?" Ben asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Well, it is Katie. And Katie did find a rich guy to regularly hook up with—."

"Again," Ben said with a knowing smirk.

"Hey, I didn't say it!"

Ben laughed and got out of the car. He took her hand as they walked up to the house. He rang the doorbell, then looked to Cassie. He checked her out fully up and down. "You are unbelievably sexy. Then again, you always are, but I don't know what it is about today."

He was looking at her like a piece of meat. She looked down at herself, not quite knowing what he was talking about. She's quite proud of the amount of pregnancy and depression weight she lost. However, she wasn't any skinner or fitter than before she met Ben.

It could be she has on a dress, something she rarely wears nowadays.

"Easy, tiger," she giggled. "Didn't you get enough last night?"

He pulled her closer by her dress and gave her a kiss. "I can never get enough of you," he said against her lips. "Especially in bed."

When Katie opened the door, she let out a dramatic sigh. "Oh my God, I knew making up the spare bedroom was a good idea."

Ben and and Cassie both looked at her, both amused. "Well, since you went out of your way, I suppose it would be a waste not to check it out," Ben quipped back. He's gotten accustomed to Katie's sex comments and always has something to say back, rather than being awkward like he used to.

Katie smiled at his comment. "It's good to see you too, Ben," she said as she hugged him. "But it's even better to see my best friend!" Katie squealed and pulled Cassie into a dramatic hug. Ben watched fondly from a safe distance.

"Come in! Richard hired a cook and a bartender, so eat and drink to your heart's content!"

Ben and Cassie looked at each other as Katie walked ahead into the house. "Richard?" Ben mouthed. Cassie could only shrug with the same confusion. They followed Katie and left her card among the mountain of gifts.

The party was in full swing out in the vast backyard. Between how everyone was dressed, the couple felt a little out of place. "Oh, I think I heard the doorbell!" Katie said. "Make yourselves at home! I'll be right back!"

Ben and Cassie didn't make any attempt to move. "Did she say there was a dress code?" Ben lowly asked as he watched some men in polo shirts, other in nice button downs. He looked down at his Brooklyn Bridge t-shirt, brown leather jacket and jeans.

"She did not, but you look far more sexy than any of these guys." She stepped in front of him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He slowly moved his hands around to her back and pulled her close.

"I've always got you to make me feel better, don't I?" He asked.

"Hey," she said, "your Guardian Angel, too."

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