Chapter 5

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At this point, she was restless; tossing and turning, kicking the duvet off, then on. She didn't know what she could do to make sleeping easier. It wasn't the baby, he was actually very still. That was, until, she herself started moving around, waking him up. When she was about to drift back to sleep, he started kicking.

"No, please," she whined as she held onto her stomach. "Come on, baby, don't do this. Mommy needs to sleep." His response was another kick. She begrudgingly got out of bed and made her way down to the kitchen.

It was pitch dark with only the light from the stove, but she kept it that way as she sat down with a glass of water. She put her head on the counter and held her stomach as the kicks kept coming. All she could do was shake her head and internally beg for him to stop doing it.

Twenty minutes later, he did and she was asleep on the counter.

Ben had heard her shuffling around from his room and go down to the kitchen. He figured she only wanted something to drink or eat and decided to not bombard her. He did listen and when he heard complete silence for several minutes, he had become afraid that she went to the store without telling him.

So he got himself up and down into the kitchen. He flipped on the kitchen light and immediately saw Cassie with a glass of water in one hand, the other around her stomach and her head on the counter. She was snoring away.

Ben was concerned, but also couldn't help his laughter. "Darling," he whispered as he went up to her. He said a little louder, "Cass, darling, wake up." He rubbed her back as she jolted awake and took in her surroundings.

"What the...oh yeah," she sighed.

"Oh yeah? Oh yeah, what? Why are you asleep in the kitchen?"

She rubbed her eyes as she told him, "Couldn't sleep. Then I woke the baby. Baby couldn't sleep. He must've stopped kicking and I fell asleep." She let out a huge yawn.

"Well let's get you back to bed. Come on, up you go." He helped her stand up, then grabbed her glass of water and followed her up the stairs.

She got into bed and he put the glass on the night stand. She attempted to reach for the duvet after lying down and couldn't reach it. He chuckled, then brought it up to her shoulders. "He still asleep?" He asked as he sat and put his hand over her stomach.

"For the moment," she yawned. "Thank you, Ben."

He smiled proudly at himself. "Of course. Need anything? More water? Food?" She shook her head. "Right, well, get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

He started to get up, but she quickly grabbed his hand. He was very confused. "Wait, um...I do need something."

He waited patiently for her to tell him what it was. "What do you need, my darling?" He softly asked.

She still held onto his hand and he gave it a squeeze. "Um, well, it's,'s a little difficult to sleep in this bed...I mean difficult to sleep on my own I mean with, you know, the exception of this guy and I, uh..."

Ben couldn't help his smile. "You wrote some of the most literate essays I have ever read and you can't ask me to get into the same bed with you?" He started to laugh when she blushed bright red.

"Sorry, I just didn't want to say it in a way that...I don't know..."

"You didn't want to say it in a way that either got my hopes up, or think you would want to sleep together. I get it. Give me a moment and I'll be right back."

He left the room and came back with his pillow and a blanket. He set his pillow on the bed and put his blanket over him instead of going under the duvet.



"Get under the duvet."

"Yes, ma'am."

He eagerly threw off the blanket, then got under the duvet with her. She was laying on her back and Ben couldn't help but stare at her bump. He put his hand over her stomach and kept it there. She looked over at him and smiled.

"I hate sleeping on my back," she complained. "It's always so stiff when I get up in the morning."

"Is there a way to sleep on your side?"

"A pillow. But more of a body pillow. Something I can rest my stomach on and put between my legs."

Without saying anything, Ben got up and went to the walk-in closet. She watched curiously as he turned on the light, then climbed up until he was reaching the very top of the shelf. He then turned off the light and came back in with a large pillow. It wasn't very large, but big enough to just fit in the places she needed.

"Turn for me," he told her as he placed the pillow down. She turned and he made sure the pillow was exactly where she wanted it to be on her stomach. He then helped part her legs and put the pillow between her thighs.

She sighed in relief. "Oh my God, I think you're my savior."

He chuckled and got back into bed. "Goodnight, Cass," he said from behind her. He went to turn himself over, but felt her hand on his. He was confused, even when she pulled his arm over to spoon her. The moment his hand went over her belly, he smiled.

He didn't move himself too close to her, but kept a good inch between them. He settled his hand right under her stomach and fell asleep to the best sleep he's had since she left.

The next morning, he woke up to feeling his hand being moved. He opened his eyes to a surprisingly dark room. "Cass? What're you doing?" He rubbed at his eyes and got a clearer view of her sitting up in bed.

"It's nearly ten, we slept in a little late," she yawned.

He stretched and groaned, then noticed it was dark and cloudy outside. It was definitely going to rain again.

"What would you like for breakfast?" He asked with a yawn. "I've got eggs, bacon, ham, pancakes, waffles, erm...I think I have hash browns. Fruit, I've got lots of fruit."

Cassie got herself snuggled back into bed as she asked, "You know what sounds amazing?"

He squinted his eyes at her. "Hm...let me guess...all of it?"

"Plus sour gummy worms on the waffles?" She batted her eyes at him and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Anything for you," he told her. "I'll whip that up, then we'll talk some more. Okay?"

She nodded so he got up and got himself properly dressed for the day. He left her with a small kiss to her bump. 

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