Chapter 26

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"Ben," Cassie giggled as picked her up and walked over the threshold of the house. "I think you're supposed to do this when we get married."

He walked over to the couch and lay her down. "Don't care. Stay there." He rushed back out the door while she stayed giggling. She listen to him open the car door, shut it a moment later, then run and stumble back inside. She heard their bags being dropped, then he suddenly reappeared.

He was in the process of taking off his belt. "Eager, Mr. Cumberbatch?" She teased.

"Baby, you teased me so badly on that plane, I thought we were going to make the Mile High Club. Take off your pants - you know what, no, leave them to me." He finished unbuttoning his pants, then moved to her's. He unbuckled her belt, then yanked down her jeans.

While of course she was turned on, she kept laughing even as he ripped off her underwear. "Sorry, my boy," he said to her stomach, "but your daddy is about to do some awful things to mummy."

He touched her to find her already wet. "I knew you were torturing yourself, as well. Was it worth it?"

"Oh, I think it's about to be," she giggled. "Was it worth it to you?"

He put his fingers inside of her. She stopped giggling and let out a gasp. He deeply chuckled, "Oh, it is certainly about to be." He moved his jeans and boxers down to his knees before sinking into her. They both sighed in unison.

"This too deep, baby?" He asked.

She shook her head with her eyes closed and head lulled back. "No, it's perfect...I wish you could go deeper, though."

He chuckled as he moved in and out of her. "Just four more months, my darling, and I'll be as deep as you want me to be." She let out a gasp when he hit her sweet spot. "There we are. Come on, love." He started going a little faster, but not so fast that he would hurt the baby.

She clawed at his shirt and brought him down on top of her. He made sure he didn't put his entire weight on her, but just enough to feel close. He could feel her hand go down to his ass and grab it. It made him want to go harder, but he restrained himself.

He pressed his forehead against her's. "Open your eyes," he commanded. When she did as she was told, he kissed her. "I love you." He slowed down and savored how she felt. He stared into her eyes as he got closer and closer.

Her eyes drifted from his to the ceiling, and that's when she screamed. Ben immediately looked up to see Lauren standing above them! "What the fuck!?" He shouted. He quickly got up and covered himself, while Cassie was quick to get a blanket over her and backed herself to the other side of the couch.

"You left your front door open," Lauren blankly stated.

Ben was in such a daze, he couldn't tell what was real! He was able to pull up his jeans and tuck himself back in. "Lauren, what...what are you doing!? Get the fuck out of my house!" He went to Cassie and pulled her up to get her behind him. Lauren was acting like she was a welcomed guest.

"I never imagined you'd have a place like this. It's nice." She looked around, picked up some pictures. "For a Professor, I mean."

Ben had his arm behind him, holding Cassie tightly to his back. "Get out or I'm calling the police," he threatened. He knew damn well he was going to call them anyways, but he was hoping he'd let her off the hook so many times that she would just leave!

"So, like," Lauren huffed as she tried to think of her question, "how did this start? Like, did you come to him for a bad grade, or...?"

Both of them realized she was talking to Cassie. "Don't speak a fucking word to her," Ben warned.

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