Chapter 31

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"Essays due on Friday, do not forget!" Ben called to his class as they filed out of the lecture hall. He shook his head and sighed. This class was his worst out of the all the ones he had this semester. They didn't listen, were constantly on their phones and laptops - clearly not taking notes - and talking. God, he hated the talking.

As he was packing up his things to go to lunch, his phone started vibrating in his pocket. He smiled when he saw who it was. "Hey, baby," he answered. "You alright?"

"Don't freak out," Cassie calmly told him, "but I'm having contractions and Katie is taking me to the hospital."

Ben did, indeed, freak out. "What!? Okay, I'm canceling my classes. I can be there in thirty." He flung open his laptop to send a mass email. He started to frantically type it up.

"Ben, Ben before you do that, we should make sure they aren't false again," she insisted.

"I don't care if they are false or not," he quickly told her. His email was one sentence long because that's all he needed. His classes didn't know he was an expectant father and he didn't plan on them finding out. He likes to keep his teaching life and personal life as separate as possible, especially after Lauren.

"Okay, well, just be careful getting here please. No more accidents." He rolled his eyes at that. He may have had a small accident when he was racing to the hospital the first time this happened. He thought she was in labor, so he was thinking about driving properly.

"It was one time," he said through gritted teeth.

Cassie giggled over the line, "Hey, you're never going to live it down. It's cute, you were excited!"

He sighed and got his laptop in his bag after sending the email. "Yeah, adorable," he sarcastically said. "Like I said, I'll be there in thirty." He left in a hurry and carefully drove himself to the hospital. He got a text ten minutes before from Katie.

The contractions were false.

"I'm sorry, babe," Cassie told him when he walked in looking rushed and tired.

He went up to her and kissed her head. "Don't be, love, it isn't your fault. Besides, I get to spend the rest of the day with you instead of in a stuffy lecture hall." He ran his hand over her very pregnant belly. "How about Katie gets you home and I'll pick us up something for lunch? Dinner, too."

He has been the most attentive man since she went into her third trimester. He didn't want her stressed or overexerting herself. The Doctor told them she would need to have plenty of time to relax in order to try and avoid another miscarriage. Ben took those orders very seriously.

"I think that sounds great," she smiled. "Maybe Katie can stay and Tom can join us? We can tell them about our diabolical plan to make them Godparents."

He chuckled. "That's a great idea," he smiled. "Why don't you get Katie to get you home and I'll deal with the paperwork? I'll see you both soon." He put a lingering kiss on her head, then led her out into the lobby. He thanked Katie for taking care of her for him and gave her a hug for it.

On their way back, Cassie looked at her best friend. "I meant to ask you about Tom before I thought I was giving birth. How's that going?" Katie bit her bottom lip and tried to stop herself from smiling. "What? Tell me!" Cassie playfully pushed her friend's shoulder.

Katie let out a little squeal before saying, "It's going great! He actually used the word "dating" the other night! I know he didn't notice, but I did. I always do." Cassie laughed and rolled her eyes.

Ben went back and forth between what to get them for lunch and dinner, but finally decided on fast food once he found out Katie wasn't staying for lunch. When it came to dinner, he placed an order for a couple of pizzas to be delivered later. He didn't usually approve of this much junk food, but he isn't in the mood to cook.

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