Chapter 8

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Ben watched with a smile as Cassie scarfed down her Chinese take away carton. She insisted she wasn't that hungry, but he could hear her stomach growling from the bedroom. He ordered her extra just in case and, well, it's a good thing he did. He finished several minutes ago and was impressively watching how her second Chow Mien carton was now gone.

"Hungry?" He smirked.

"Shu'up," she smiled with a mouth full of food, but tried to cover it with her hand.

He let out a deep chuckle, then looked around her apartment. It was practically empty now, except for the furniture. "I'll look around for some good movers to get this to your parents this week. Don't want you dealing with any lazy sods who leave everything broken." When he looked back at her, she was smiling at him. He couldn't help but mimic it. "What?" He laughed nervously.

"Nothing. It was just...seeing you today like that..." She let out a little laugh and shrugged.

"What? Seeing me scared absolutely shitless?"

She nodded. "Actually, yes. You're always so...stoic. You're never vulnerable with me, Ben. Maybe once or twice, but never like that. You were scared and that was different. I don't think I've ever seen you scared."

He huffed out a laugh. "Yeah, well, a million different scenarios ran through my head. You were dead, shot, hurt in some way where I wouldn't have been there to protect you. I always want to protect you. You're not just my Guardian Angel...I'm your's, too."

He grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"I'm such a shit, Cass. I've been a shit and I promise, by the time our son gets here, I will be better."

She snickered, "Well, you've only got a few more weeks for that."

"Looks like I better get to work on it," he chuckled.

A comfortable silence fell on the room. He played with her fingers, staring intently at them. "I desperately want to spend the rest of my life with you." He spoke the words without looking at her. "I'm just not sure how we'll do that without blowing the lid off our place."

"We've always known we were bad for each other," she nervously laughed.

"Yes, but we are oh so right," he breathed out. "I've never wanted someone so much. I haven't dared be with anyone else during our time apart because I can't bare the thought of it not being you."

She smirked and nodded. "Yeah...well, I would say the same, but everyone assumes a pregnant woman is taken."

He couldn't help his bellowing laugh. "Goddammit, I miss this. So much. Can I kiss you again? Please?"

She could barely finish nodding before he was up and next to her, leaning in and kissing the soul out of her. She put her hands in his hair and pulled him closer. He took the bottom of her chair and pulled it harshly towards him, causing a loud screech to echo through the empty place.

Cassie giggled furiously. "Jesus, Ben."

"Oh, shut it, I just want you as close as possible," he said against her lips before kissing again. He moaned when he felt her hand go up his leg. He stopped her advances, however. "My love, I want you desperately, but you're eight months pregnant."

The look on her face made him instantly regret his words. "Shit, no, not like that," he quickly explained. "No, baby, I just meant I don't want to hurt either of you. I'm sorry, as I said, I will get better before he's born."

She couldn't help her smile and her giggles. He giggled along with her as he brought her into a hug. "My girl. My sweet, sweet girl. I do love you so." He placed kisses into her hair, and then one on her forehead. "Are you tired?"

He could feel her body weight pushing into him. She only nodded. He rubbed her back as he said, "Let's get you to bed, sweetheart." He helped her stand up since even that was difficult and led her into her room.

Her bed no longer had a frame, it was just a mattress on the floor. Ben shifted uncomfortably as he looked at it. "Babe, maybe we go to mine. You won't have to sleep on the floor." However, his words proved useless as he watched her successfully lay on the bed and let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's fine, Ben. If anything, this is helping my back a little."

He didn't like it, but if she was comfortable, she was comfortable. "Alright, then. I'll be on the couch if you need me."

He went to turn, but she quickly said, "Wait! Wait." When he turned to her, she told him, "Stay with me. Please?"

His smile couldn't be helped. "Have I ever told you no?" He asked as he started taking off his shirt.

"A million times," she giggled.

Once he was down in his boxers, he got himself in beside her. He pulled up the covers as he said, "Yes, but I have caved every single time, you brat." He got in and held her tight to him, his hand splayed on her belly. He kissed her shoulder, then her neck. "You want me to help you get more comfy, love? You've still got your sweatshirt on."

She allowed him to help her get her sweater and shirt off, even her bra that's been tightening and killing her back. When she expressed this to Ben, he started to give her a massage.

"Ohhhhh don't stooooop," she groaned as he hit the perfect spot. It was awkward because he had to massage her back on her side, but he managed to keep pressure on that one spot. "God, I love your hands. I miss them, actually."

He let out a deep chuckle. "What exactly do you miss about them?"

"You know what I miss, stop trying to get me in the mood," she told him. He let out a big laugh.

"Better?" He asked as she turned on her back. She closed her eyes as she nodded and let out an exhausted "thank you".

"Anytime. Get some sleep."

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