Chapter 24

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Ben smiled when he felt arms glide over his shoulders and lock around his chest. He let out a chuckle when those lips pressed his cheek. He set his book down and rested his hands on her arms. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Beautiful?"

Cassie put her face into his neck. "Bored," her muffled voice told him. He chuckled and held her arms close against his chest.

"And what do you recommend we do about this unfortunate situation?"

She put her chin on his shoulder and hummed in thought. "Mexico."

He turned his head as much as he could to look at her. "Is that your very subtle way of saying you want to go to Mexico for our anniversary?"

"Yes and I also need a fucking vacation."

He laughed as he brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it. "So do I, darling. Can you get the days off of work?"

She rounded the couch, her hands gliding across his chest as she did, and sat next to him. "I have two weeks I need to use. I was thinking we do a week there, then the next week I can just stay home?"

Ben ran his hands up her exposed thighs and grabbed the back of them, pulling her down on her back. She giggled as he climbed over her. "I think," he said as he pressed a kiss to her neck, "an uninterrupted two weeks with you sounds like heaven."

He pressed more and more kisses to her neck and ran his hands up her sides and under her shirt. She couldn't help the moan she let out. It made him smile. "Now, is there anything we can do at this very moment about your boredom?"

A few hours later, Ben had booked their flights to Mexico - same place, same resort that they met - and Cassie put in her vacation notice.

However, when she walked in on Monday, she found it had been denied by the one and only Lawrence. She stormed up to his cubicle - as calmly as possible - and aggressively cleared her throat.

Lawrence, the son-of-a-bitch, turned in his chair with a smug smile. "Sassy Cassie, to what do I owe the pleasure?" His eyes raked up and down her body. God, she wanted to knock his teeth in all too badly.

"Why did you deny my vacation request? And why were you the one to do it anyways?" She tried not to show her disdain, or make it sound like she was annoyed, but it was rather difficult. She wouldn't usually mind her tone, but he enjoyed it. He loved when he annoyed her.

He grabbed the slip from her hand and looked at it. "Well, would you look at that? It seems that I did. Yeah, Charles wants to prepare me for my new position and he had me check over the requests. Two weeks? Really?"

She rolled her eyes. "I need to use it by the end of next month, genius. Did you read that in your reports?"

He smirked, but it wasn't honest. He was annoyed. "Nope, guess I missed that," he replied. "But maybe you can take it at the end of next month, then. Popular time for a vacation at the moment."

"Yeah," she said as if he was a moron, "that's kind of the point of a vacation." He sat there silent. She let out a deep sigh and clicked her tongue against her cheek. "Fine. I'll just let Charles know you're trying to get us audited." She snatched the slip back from him.

She smiled and started to walk towards Charles's office. Lawrence immediately sprang up and went after her. "Fine! Fine, give it here!" He took it from her hand and crossed out the denied portion before signing the approval.

He handed it to her with a look of hatred while she smiled. As she walked away, however, he called in front of the entire office, "Looks like you need to lay off those doughnuts Linda's been bringing in!"

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