Chapter 6

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"Your next appointment is Wednesday, you move into your parents that next Thursday, Christmas is only the week after that..." He was mumbling to himself, writing all of the important dates down in his journal. "I'll cancel my noon class on Wednesday to be there for the appointment and Christmas break will have already started by the time you move..."

Cassie watched in amusement as she ate her delicious waffles and sour gummies that Ben had also topped with whipped cream and fruit (he thought he'd add just a little health). She was watching as he wrote and circling the most important days like her appointment, his finals and her moving day.

He clicked his pen and set it down, then dug into his hash browns. "Since I still have a morning class on Wednesday, I'll have to meet you there. Unless you want me to pick you up and take you, then I can cancel my morning as well."

She smirked as she shook her head. "No, it's okay. My mom was planning on taking me anyways. She got the day off for it."

"Then I shall meet you both there," he declared with a smile. "How's your breakfast?"

"Delicious, but I do have to go soon. Nick said he'd be over by one to help me pack and I still need to clean up a little."

"Clean up? Babe, you're moving you don't need to clean up. You also don't need to be packing. I will be packing and Nick can help." He got up and gathered all of the plates. She went to help, but he told her, "Don't, darling, I've got it. Why don't you go up and get ready while I do this? We'll leave in thirty, alright?"

She nodded with a small smile and went up to the room. She took a quick shower and changed into her freshly washed clothes. By the time she was done, Ben was also ready to go.

The rain was coming down as they left, but got it to her apartment just in time for it to absolutely pour and thunder. Thankfully, Nick was waiting outside of her apartment and not on his way. But unfortunately, he was waiting out in the rain.

"Nick, get inside before you catch something!" She shouted. "You couldn't have waited in the car!?"

She and Ben jogged up to her building door and went in with Nick behind them. "It wasn't raining this hard just a few minutes ago," Nick explained. "Must have brought it with you!"

"Must have," she giggled as they went to the elevators. "Well thank you for coming, even if it meant your death."

"Anything for my favorite co-worker...and teacher. Hi, Mr. C."

They were standing a good distance from each other in the elevator. "Good evening, Nick," Ben greeted. "I do appreciate you offering your help. Hopefully the two of us can get this knocked out by tonight."

"With three it would be doable," Cassie said, a smile on her face.

"Yes, my dear, but you wouldn't be volunteering just yourself, would you? I told you you're not helping."

"Definitely not," Nick scoffed.

"Fine," she sighed, "then I'll make soup for all of us for dinner. Is that okay?"

Ben placed a kiss on her head as he told her, "That sounds wonderful, darling." The elevator dinged on her floor and the men followed her until they reached her door. She unlocked it for them and they all filed inside.

Almost immediately, Ben grabbed one of the many empty boxes sitting near the door. "I'll get started in your bedroom, Nick start in the living room." He shucked off his coat and hung it up as Nick hastily did the same.

"Yes, sir," he mumbled.

Cassie got comfy in her room after making sure Nick knew where everything was. Ben asked what she wanted to keep for the week up until she left so he knew what to pack. Eventually, he caught on to what she'd keep and handled it himself while she napped.

By the time she woke up, he was done packing her bathroom and more than half of her closet. "Geez, Ben," she giggled and yawned.

He smiled at her as he set down another packed box. "Well, luckily, I've moved quite a few times in my life and know all the tricks to getting it done as soon as bleeding possible. You can blame my negligence as a twenty-something that waited until the last few days of my lease to be up to start."

"Well, I appreciate your negligence," she told him. "Can you...come here for sec?" Ben instantly stopped what he was doing and sat next to her on the bed. Much to his surprise, she took his hands. "Thank you. I mean it. You've been really helpful, even when I don't want you to be."

He chuckled and squeezed her hands. "As much as you don't want to admit it, you do need this help and I am more than happy to provide it. I just...I really do wish you were moving in with me. I know we'd probably blow the damn roof off with our arguing, but I do want you there and all the damn time."

She laughed a bit and leaned her head on his shoulder. "We would blow the roof off, wouldn't we?"

"It would be like a nuke dropped," he confirmed.

They both laughed at the thought. Their laughs gradually stopped, but they didn't pull away. "I miss what we had in Mexico," he whispered. "I miss the love that was there. Then I had to go and cock it all up."

Sighing, she only nodded her head. "I miss it, too. I'm going to check on Nick."

She got up from the bed and went into the living room to see Nick not packing, but reading something instead. She scared him by poking him in the neck. "Jesus!" He dropped the book and looked up at her with annoyance. "Really?"

"Really," she chuckled. "You're supposed to be packing, remember?"

He pointed to quite a few piles of boxes at the other end of the room. "I am. Not as fast as Sir Benedict, however."

Cassie playfully rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen. She started gathering the items she needed to make soup, until she realized she didn't have one special ingredient. She debated telling Ben, but knew he was busy enough with helping her pack. Besides, she didn't want him going out into the rain after all he's done.

"Hey, Nick, if Ben asks I went to the market for a few chilis." She put on her coat and opened her umbrella.

Nick immediately shot up from the floor. "Woah, woah, wait a minute. Should you be doing that? It's still pouring out there."

"I'll be fine, I do this walk all the time," she assured. "I'll be back before Ben even notices."

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