Chapter 34

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Ben rubbed at his forehead and felt a searing headache come in. He's been staring at this computer for hours reading hundreds of pages of terrible essays. His teaching methods haven't been great this year, not to mention he's been absent for most of it. He tried his best to get the class caught up and moving again, but they just couldn't.

So, he did something he's never done and that's grade everyone on a curve. He didn't believe in that sort of thing, but considering he was the one to fail them with his teaching, he didn't think it fair to literally fail them. Everyone would end the semester with a B or higher thanks to it.

But still, he did not want to be reading these.

Just as he was finishing up the last one of the school year, the front door opened and closed. He looked up from his place at the kitchen table and watched Cassie walk in with Peter. He smiled when he saw them. "Hey, you two. Successful shopping day?"

He got up and took Peter from her as she said, "Very successful, I'd say! I know he's going to grow out of them soon, but I got him the cutest freaking Summer outfits. Look!" She showed him the cute shorts, sleeveless shirts, Hawaiian shirts, even overall shorts!

"Very cute," he agreed. "You're going to be a little heartbreaker this Summer, aren't you?" He tickled his son's stomach and got a laugh that he absolutely adored. He looked to Cassie. "I checked in for our flights this morning, including your parents and Tom's."

Tomorrow, they were all going to London for the Summer. Ben had booked a house for them, Sam and May while Tom was going to say with his parents. One of the reasons Ben was struggling with his grading was because he was very stressed about this trip.

He was excited about going back home to show Peter off to his friends and family, but there was one teeny thing he still hasn't told Cassie about...and that was his home never being sold. He did plan on telling her several times, but with everything that's happened this year, there was just never a good time.

He was going back and forth with himself about if he should do it before they leave or when they get there. He didn't want to sell it until it was set in stone that they were not moving to London. They haven't spoken about it, but he assumes Cassie will be fine with a change of scenery. They have yet to sell this "House of Horrors", as she calls it. As it turns out, it's not easy to sell a home where crime - especially murder - was committed.

"Anything from the realtor?" She asked as she started putting groceries away.

Peter was making grabby hands at the fruit bowl on the counter. Ben set him in his high chair, then grabbed an apple. "Not yet," he sighed. He washed the apple, then cut it up into bite size pieces. "This isn't going to be an easy sell."

He put the pieces in a small bowl and put it in front of his son. Peter grabbed a fist full of apples and tried his best to munch on them with little to no teeth. "I know," she sighed, "I just feel like this super heavy weight when I walk in. Rearranging the living room kind of helped,'s stupid."

She started shaking her head and aimlessly messing with the unpacked groceries. "Hey," Ben softly said as he went up behind her. "It's not stupid. It isn't even in the realm of stupid. I want out of here, too, trust me. Besides if we, you know, want to give Peter a brother or sister, we'll need the space anyways."

She looked at him over her shoulder and smirked. "You want more? Already? Mr. "I-Don't-Want-Kids-I-Don't-Want-Anything-To-Do-With-Kids"! You sure?" She squealed when he tickled her sides.

"Yes, you brat," he chuckled. "I know it's only been five months, but I wanted more the moment I held him." He looked at his son and smiled. "God, I can't believe I never wanted him. I feel like a damn fool."

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