Chapter 28

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He didn't know if the last day of Summer vacation was the best or worst day. It used to be the best because after doing nothing all Summer, he was back to doing something! This Summer, however, was one of the best he's had in his life and seeing it end felt unusually bittersweet. But he knew there was so much more to look forward to in the coming months, which made today both the best and worst day.

He was glad his classes started tomorrow on a Monday because that meant he could spend his last free day with Cassie. They took a nice morning stroll when they woke up - but couldn't go very far due to Ben's knee still being an issue. He made them breakfast and they sat on the couch watching some T.V.

"I don't want this Summer to end," he quietly told her as he continued watching their show.

She looked over to him and smiled. "It's been great, hasn't it?"

He looked to her. "The best Summer of my life," he declared. "And I am including the Summer I lost my virginity, by the way." That got her to snort, which made him snort in return. "I'm serious!"

She giggled as she got up from the couch and took their empty plates. "I'm also including the Summer I lost my virginity," she told him as she walked into the kitchen.

"You also lost it during the Summer?" He called. "To who?"

In the kitchen, she called back, "Randy Dalton. Ugh, such a dreamboat. My first year in college."

"Was he any good?"

She came back into the living room. "I thought he was," she laughed, "until I started having sex with other guys. And then I thought they were good!"

"And then what happened, darling?" He took her hand and pulled her back down onto the couch.

"And then," she said as she snuggled up to him, "I had sex with you. Nothing's been the same since."

That got him to laugh. "Well, I am flattered."

"What about you? Were you any good your first time?"

"God no," he chuckled. "I had no idea what I was doing. Poor girl thought she was going to get the lay of her life and it turns out I was just all talk. She was a good sport, though."

"How so?"

"She faked it really well."

They both shared a good laugh from that, up until there was a knock at the door. "I swear to God, Ben, if it is that woman..."

"From what I've heard, she isn't even in the same county," he assured. He got up and opened the door to a couple of older men he didn't recognize. They looked to be maybe ten years older than him and they hair their arms linked together. "Can I help you?"

The man on left stepped up and said, "Hi, are you Mr. Cumberbatch?"

Ben looked around like he was being watched. "Erm, yes. Who are you?"

The man on the right said, "We're Lauren's fathers."

Ben took a step back. "Look, this is really inappropriate..."

They both put their hands up in surrender and nodded. "We know, we know," one of them said, "but the officer on the case told us that we could try and convince you to drop the charges." Ben cleared his throat and nodded his head to let them go on.

"Lauren is a sweet kid," the other told him. "She's just...troubled."

"That's a word for it," Ben muttered. "She came to my door, followed my wife and I to a restaurant and broke into our home."

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