Chapter 14

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"Benedicto! Cass! Good to see you two are back on your feet!" Sam welcomed both his daughter and her boyfriend into the house with open arms and a huge hug for such a small man. "How are you two feeling?"

"Good, good," Cassie assured him. "Ben's still got a bit of a cough, but the Doc cleared him of being contagious."

"Oh, good, I was afraid I was going to have to chain him in the yard." He and Ben gave each other a smile. Ben knew it was all in good fun and has found an appreciation for Sam's terrible dad jokes. They gave each other a hug, then Sam ushered them inside.

Ben took Cassie's jacket and hung it up as Sam told them, "Your mother is upstairs getting ready. We need to get to the location by no later than five o'clock. Understand?"

Cassie rolled her eyes. "Dad, we're already set, we're just waiting for you."

Sam waved her off and went up the stairs to go get ready. Cassie took Ben's hand and led them both over to the couch. "Promise me something," she said as she sat down. Ben followed and put his hands on her thighs. He brought her legs up to his lap and leaned into her.

"Anything for you, my love."

They touched foreheads as she whispered, "Please, please, please...don't make me stay at this thing all night." Ben busted up laughing. She continued, "And don't let my Aunt talk to me about weddings and babies please!"

Ben kept laughing, a cough getting in his way every now and then. Still chuckling, he told her, "We will stay for as long as your parents want us to stay, but I do promise to save you from your Aunt." He carted his fingers through her hair. "Why no talks of weddings and babies? Isn't...well, isn't that what you want?" He felt himself get nervous asking the question and she could see it.

She gave him a soft smile. "Of course it is, Ben, and I want it all with you."

He returned the smile, but it wasn't sincere. "Do you..." he cleared his throat " you ever think about how you should be with someone...well, your age?" She looked at him oddly, so he elaborated, "At Kate's party, when you were talking to Nick, I..." He couldn't seem to get the words out.

Cassie furrowed her eyebrows. "Were you actually jealous? Because I didn't mean..."

He quickly shook his head. "No, baby, no I wasn't jealous. I got...well, insecure? I don't know. I saw you both talking and the experiences he was sharing wasn't something you've had. You didn't travel after graduating, you didn't go to any crazy parties."

"Ben, I've had my share of traveling and parties, trust me. Before Mexico, before this school? God, I was everywhere! I told you a bit about it in Mexico, but believe me I don't miss it. I love my life right now. I have never been so satisfied and just, well, happy!"

Ben's smile lit up at hearing that. She took his hands and continued, "I don't want to talk about weddings and babies with my Aunt because I don't want to feel rushed. I do want all of it with you, but I'm just not ready. I thought I was when I was pregnant before, but after losing him..."

She got lost in her thoughts for a moment while Ben squeezed her hand. She shook her thoughts away. "Maybe I'm just not ready for the baby part yet. I mean, I certainly wouldn't say no if you proposed." She gave him a sneaky smile.

He chuckled and kissed her hands. "Good to know. Anything else on your mind?"

She bit her bottom lip with a smile. "Oh, there are many things I'm thinking about right now, Professor." She watched as his eyes fluttered and his dirty thoughts overtake him.

"Now, Ms. Moretti, don't make me punish you later for giving me a hard on before I'm about to see your entire family."

"I am sorry...Professor."

He laughed and brought her in for a kiss. "Oh, you are so paying for this later, my love."


Ben was impressed with the amount of people and partying that was going on around him. He didn't quite expect this turnout. It started as a nice dinner in the banquet room and slowly turned into some dancing. First it was Cassie's parents, and then people started trickling in.

But then the open bar was announced and now here they are. Ben did his best when it came to saving Cassie from her Aunt, but then Cassie started drinking and didn't seem to care as much. Now, he's smiling and watching her twirl on the dance floor with her nine year old cousin.

"Ben," Sam called from beside him. Ben turned and was handed a glass of scotch. He accepted it with a thankful smile. "I noticed you haven't drank much tonight."

Ben took a sip of the very good scotch and explained, "I'm driving us home tonight, I didn't want to get too sloshed."

"You're both more than welcome to stay over," Sam offered.

Ben thanked him, but couldn't say the real reason he wanted to get Cassie home tonight. He planned on getting drunk later and doing things to her that Sam wouldn't hesitate to murder him over.

"Thank you, Sam, but...well, there's another reason I wanted to stay sober. I was actually hoping to speak with you at some point tonight."

Sam gave him a look. Ben could immediately tell what he was thinking. Sam looked to Cassie, then to Ben who was admiring her with a smile. "You want to marry her."

Ben turned to him and nodded with a smirk. "Yes. We've been talking about it a lot recently and, while I know she isn't ready quite yet, I just wanted your permission for when she is."

Sam scoffed, then started laughing. "Of course you have my permission. I gotta say, I wasn't too thrilled when she told me she was seeing a man that's nearly as old as I am, but you take care of her. I appreciate and thank you for that."

Ben smiled down at his drink, then looked to the love of his life now hugging and spinning with two of her little cousins. They were all laughing and having the time of their lives. "If you'll excuse me, Sam, I think I'm going to go join in the party."

He made his way over to the dance floor and when Cassie saw him, she practically squealed with joy. "There you are! I missed you." She pouted at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He smiled and held her close to him.

"I missed you, too, my love. Are you ready to leave, or did you want to stay longer?" He knew the answer to that. She got a few drinks in her, she's dancing and ready to party.

"Let's dance more," she slightly slurred, "and then let's get the fuck outta here..." Ben glanced around them, as did she. He was glad she was sober enough to be aware of her surroundings because she leaned up to his ear and whispered, "...and fuck."

Ben cleared his throat and held her tighter. "Of course, darling. Whatever you want."

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