Chapter 9 - That Was Stupid

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Paul raised his eyebrows at me, shocked.


I crossed my arms over my chest. "I said I'll do it, I'm gunna jump." I told him.

Paul laughed. "Yeah, ok, sure I'll believe it when I see it."

I quirked an eyebrow at him. "You don't think I will? I'll do it." I was dead-serious. No one could ever call me out like Paul just did and expect not to be put in their place. I pulled my glasses from my face and handed it to him.

He raised an eyebrow at me and looked at the frames I was putting under his nose.

"Hold this," I said and pushed it into his hands. "I'm going to jump, I mean I can't do it with my glasses, that would be stupid."

I walked past Paul now, and walked to the edge of the cliff. Paul watched as I looked over. Good thing without out my glasses I couldn't see anything; so when I looked down, all it looked like was a flat blue surface.

"Well, it's your funeral..."

I rolled my eyes.

 "Shut up Paul..."

I  backed up at little to give myself a head start, before I ran out to the ledge and jumped.

There was a burst of adrenaline that flushed through my veins; my heart thundered through my chest. As I fell  faster and faster the adrenaline increased, I felt like I was flying and I then remember what it was like to do radical stunts like this. I almost forgot why I stopped. Almost.

Remember how I said I was blind as a bat? Yeah well I am, and when I was ontop that cliff I did not see those rock peaking out from the water. Now that I'm travelling 9.8 miles per second, and getting closer and closer to the surface I noticed that I was awfully close to the rocks. Thankfully I landed just a half an inch away.

  That was crazy,  I thought as I swam back to the surface.  I could faintly hear voices shouting above me. I looked up in an effort to see what was going on, but obviously I had handed over my glasses.

Davis’ POV

"Paul!" I shouted, immedaitely after I saw Macy jump. I ran to where he stood and looked down; and of course there was Macy falling into the water with a splash. I turned back to Paul.

 "Were you not there when Sam said not to let her jump?" 

Paul shrugged his shoulders at me. "Whoa, not my fault. She wanted to jump..." he said with his arms up in defense. "Besides it looks like she's having fun..."

"Really? Does that matter? Sam specifically said not to let her jump, and what did you do? You let her jump. What is wrong with you Paul! What if she couldn't swim?" I narrowed my eyes at him and raised my eyebrow. And the worst thing yet, if something bad were to happen to her, I'd get the heat, not the guys.

He shrugged his shoulders. "So, she would've told me before she jumped. That would've been stupid..." I looked over the cliff again, relieved to see that she had made it back over the water.

"Does she even know where to go? Paul you're such an idiot, you should've gone down with her." In the background I heard someone snort and laugh.

"Aw, how cute. Lil' Davy a little protective of his mate?" I turned around to see Paul and a drentched Embry and Jared laughing at me.

"Well what are you waiting for, Prince Charming? Go save your Damsel in Distress..."

I glared at Embry, "You shut the fuck up... you guys better stop it." he just laughed and nodded his head.

"Alright sure, sure..."

"I'm serious! And Macy Uley is not  my mate!"

"Yeah... Ok, you believe what you wanna believe, honey..."

He was patronizing me now.

"If it makes you feel better, I'll go be her Knight in Shining Armor, I'll save her." He fliped his wet hair backwards and grinned. I knew what he was trying to do, he was trying to get some type of reaction out of me. Well, he wasn't gunna get it.

"Ok, whatever. I don't give a fuck.. you do what you want." I walked past them and began heading out, "But if something happens, Sam will have your ass on a silver platter. Good luck and goodbye, Jackass..."

Just as I thought I would have the last word, that I finally won this one, Embry responded:

"Love ya too, sunshine!"



Embry's POV


"Love ya too, sunshine!" I shouted.

Davis didn't even spare a glance at me as he trudged  into the woods.

Embry: 201 Davis: 0

And yes, I was keeping score.

 "5 bucks that says she was expecting Davis down there..." I turned to Jared and laughed.

"You're on..."

I turned back to the cliff and looked down; Macy still hovered cluelessly in the water below.

I looked at the other and grinned. "I guess I gotta take care of Davy's girl, huh..."  Paul rolled his eyes and Jared snorted.

"Macy!" I shouted, immedaitely she looked up, a confused expression on her face. "I'm coming to get you!"

I jumped in, again.

Macy's POV

I strained my ears to hear the shouting over head. But I was too far, and whoever that was shouting at me assumed that I had some sort of super hearing that would allow me to hear them. I squinted my eyes but it all just looked like blobs.

At times like these I wish I wore my contacts, but then again, I absolutely hate them. I looked back up again, suprised to see something in the sky. It looked like a star-fish, and strangely by each passing second it seemed to have coming closer, and closer...

And closer, until I realized it was a person falling from the sky, and they weren't just falling from the sky , they were falling into the water.

My eyes went wide and I soon moved myself from the divers path.

Not too soon the person broke throught the surface with a jolly 'YAHOOOOO!' The sudden fall into the water caused waves and the water to splash everwhere; it interrupted the calm patterns.

I waited for the person to resurface, and after a moment or two, they did.

"BOO!" It was Embry.

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