Chapter 16 - A Kiss From Yours Truly

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"Hey!" I shouted in protest as I ran over to them. Out them all, only Embry turned to me, a wide grin on his face.

"Hey short stake!" He greeted with a mouthful of cupcake. I glared. I wasn't short... I'm "5'5" average hieght of a sixteen year old.

I shook my head and returned my attention to the people devouring my cupcakes that I'm pretty sure was made for me. I looked at the plate; there was only one left. And I wanted it.

Sensing that someone else that stood in my presence seemed to notice my intense stare at the cupcake, I made a mad dash towards the plate with the cupcake standing so angelically in place.

 As soon as I saw a tan hand reach out for the cup cake as well, I rushed over to it and in a snap I snatched the last cupcake in a victory. Jared peered over me with a curious look on his face, along with Embry who, instead of a curious expression, was frowning.

"Mace?" Jared raised an eyebrow at me.

 "I wanted the last one."

 "I wanted it too..." Embry said shaking his head, "Emily rarely ever makes cupcakes, she says the sugars bad for us..."

"Aw you poor things..." I laughed. It has been two days staying here, and I was sure that Embry Call was going to be my best friends. He was just so funny,

"Here, you can have it." I said and offered to him, immedaitely his face lightened up and he dove for the mini-cake.

"Pig..." Paul comment with a cough.

 Just as I was about to say something the sound of the door opening in the front, caught my attention. Everyone seemed to go on mute. There was a sound of a muffled deep voice. It seemed familiar. Curiously, I looked around me giving questioning looks, but they all had their heads down, staring at the floor.

 I furrowed my eyebrows together. My silent question was soon answered when Uncle Sam came in to the kitchen.

"Hey..." I said but I stopped when I say Davis by his side. Sam had his hand firmly on his shoulder as Davis stared down with a grim look on his features.

I leaned forward trying to get a better look on his face and I noticed he had a bruise on the side of his head, and I could see that he had a bit of dried blood on his lip. I furrowed my eyebrows. What happened to him? I bit my lip as I looked around, hoping that someone would probably speak up.

 Sam and Davis walked around the kitchen. "Stay here..." He told. I winced, there seemed to be a hard and commanding tone in his voice.

I looked up at him, but he didn't seem to notice me, not one bit...not with that cold glint in his eyes. I glanced at Davis who sat next to me, he kept his head down, and I felt the need to ask him what happened. I bit my lip, and stopped myself from doing so.

I looked up at Sam again, and this time he did notice me. "Sam?" I asked, his eyes softened. "What happened to Davis...?" Sam, for some reason tensed.

 "Nothing, Macy...Why don't you go upstairs and rest a little..." I raised my eyebrow. I get it, they want to discuss something again. I rolled my eyes and got up nonetheless.  But he still didn't answer my question. "But-" Uncle Sam instantly cut me off.

"No buts, go..." he told me, it sounded like a command, almost. 

When I got to the door, I froze, my hand just barely touching the knob as a thought ran through my head. I wonderedd on what was so important they were discussing down there. Were they part of some secret mafia gang? And they were talking about on their territories to take from other gang memebers? Who knew that La Push was a place for Gangsters and Mafia?

 And curiousity did kill the cat.

Surprisingly no one was down stairs. I raised an eyebrow, and I was about to turn around, until my eyes landed on Davis, who was still there. He was still on the same position as before, resting his head on his arm. From this angle I could finally see his face.

 I squinted, even with my glasses, at the scratches that appeared on his cheek. I looked around the kitchen, making sure no one was there, and walked into the kitchen.

 "A-Are you okay?" I asked startling Davis in the process. Meeting my eyes, he sighed.

"Oh, it's you..." he muttered bitterly.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Well that's a nice thing to say to someone who checkin' up on ya..." I said sarcastically. and crossing my arms. 

Davis shook his head and looked the other direction. I huffed, not taking his actions lightly. How rude, did he suddenly transform completely when I first met him? Gosh, he was kinda nice-ish back then.

"Where is everyone?" I asked. He shrugged still looking the other direction.

 "In the other room..." he answered simply. I raised an eyebrow. "What other room?" I asked earning a sigh from Davis. "The room over there..." he said pointing his thumb over his shoulder.

 "Oh...ok" I mumbled not bothering to turn around. Now things are awkward... Suddenly Davis turned around. 

"Why are you here?" he asked me. Finally, he turned and faced me, looking straight at me. My voice caught in my throat as I stared openly at his wounds.

 "W-What happened to your face?" I asked just below a whisper as I walked to the chair and sat next to him. He didn't answer. Absentmindedly I reached up and my fingers trailed over the bruise on his face, he instant grabbed my wrist, startling me in the process.

 "This is your fault..." he growled. I flinched and jerked my hand from his, but he didn't let go, just tightened his grip.

"My fault!? How is that my fault!" I questioned. He didn't answer but only glared harder at me.

 I looked down at my wrists. "Mind letting go..." I asked shooting him a glare. He let go of my wrist, but only one of them...  Just as I opened my mouth ready to say something, Davis gently placed his hands on my cheek, his thumb rubbing my soft skin smoothly. I stared at him shell-shocked. Bipolar much?

I could feel my face turning scarlet as he moved closer; I could feel his breath on my lips as he did.  And before I knew it, our lips met. He slipped his other hand behind my head, as the other stayed on my cheek. His lips were foriegn, but yet welcoming against mine, and I couldn't help but feel helpless.

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