27 | Anger

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Komaeda woke up in a bed again. His head hurt like hell.

Hinata sat on a chair, staring out of the window. His facial expression was hard to read. Souda was standing next to him.

Next to the bed was his father, head in his hands.

"Dad?" Komaeda asked.

"Oh, thank God!" He called out. "I was so worried! Why does this keep happening to you?!"

"Uhm... what happened? Hinata-kun got mad and... then... what?"

Mr. Komaeda's eyes widened. "Hinata-san did this to you?!" He turned around and looked at the brunet like he was ready to murder him.

"I didn't! I got mad and left! And then I don't know what happened." He let out a sigh and looked away. The air was extremely tense.

"The others said Oowada threw him against a wall," Souda told Mr. Komaeda.

"And Oowada is who exactly?"

"One of the other basketball players. He hates Komaeda,"

The older man nodded. "Okay." He looked at his son. "How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts, but I don't think I got a concussion again. Hinata-kun, I... you really freaked out. What happened?" He asked the brunet.

"L-look, it's-... It's not that simple, I-..." He looked away. His voice seemed unstable, as if he was about to cry. Souda rubbed his shoulder.

"You... don't know how to control your anger, do you?"

"Yes, I do!" He shouted. "Stop acting like I'm some kind of monster just because I have feelings!"

"I'm not acting like that. And stop yelling, my head hurts. I'm sick of having people degrade and shout at me all the time..."

"Komaeda, I-... You have to understand I'm trying my best right now to not..." He took another deep breath.

"Hinata-san, it's okay. You don't have to explain anything right now," Mr. Komaeda said.

"Dad, I think I wanna drop out of that school," Komaeda said all of a sudden.


"No!" Hinata yelled, upset again. "You can't fucking do that! I lost almost all of my friends because I stood up for you, you can't just-!" He was shaking. "If you go I won't have anyone again!"

Komaeda carefully got up and walked towards him. "It's okay. I'll stay," he said. Hinata wrapped his arms around him. His grip was so strong it hurt. He didn't want to cry. He would rather die than cry in front of Komaeda. Still though, tears rolled down his face. He gritted his teeth.

"Just shut up, Komaeda, don't say shit like that,"

"Could you let go of me? It hurts a bit,"

"I kinda blacked out a bit... I don't remember hurting you. Did I?"

"No, you only hurt Oowada,"

"Are we still friends?"

"Of course,"

Hinata slowly let go of him. Komaeda let out a sigh of relief.

"I kinda have anger issues, so..." Hinata said, a bit more calm now. "And that situation kinda made me remember something from when I was younger,"

"Do you want to tell me about it?" Komaeda asked.

"So... when I was a kid I had no talent or anything. But my twin brother did. He was so good at everything it made me really jealous. Everyone liked him, no one liked me. For years. So I practiced basketball a lot and I got really good at it. But he was better than me."

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