Ch. 17 Im scared

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(Armin's P.O.V)
It became midnight and I could hear the crickets outside. It was nice to hear but I just couldn't sleep. I laid in bed next to Annie. I stared at the ceiling. Something was keeping me awake and I had no clue to what. It was weird.

I decided to get up from the bed and go downstairs. When I left the bed I heard Annie mumble little words. She's sleep talking again. I quietly walked down the stairs hopping not to make a creaking noise. Once I got to the kitchen, I lit a candle and put it to the kitchen table. I got some water and sat down at the table. I won't lie...this safe house was empty and scary.

I really didn't like this safe house. It was very strange around the way I found some strange things in it. I found a pack of needles and some small raincoats and bags. Renier and Bertoldt did have this safe house before Annie and I so I guess it's understandable. Still though...I felt very strange. It's a really bad feeling you get in your chest when you know something bad is going to happen. I'm really scared.

I had glass of water sitting on the table and I noticed something quite strange. The water was moving. It was moving in a way when you drop small things of water and it makes a circle like ring in the cup. Something was moving and it wasn't me. Something big was outside...something horrifying.

I slowly got up from my chair and blew out the candle. My heart was racing and I was scared out of my mind. I looked out the window and saw a Titan wandering around. It looked lost. This wasn't good! I could still feel something coming and it wasn't that Titan in the front yard. I slowly walked out of the house and noticed something that I will never forget.

A herd of titans were walking together all the way to the house. My eyes widened in terror. I could suddenly feel something breathing on me. I was to scared to turn around...I already knew. A Titan had its sights dead on me...and I would soon be his little snack. I felt something grab a hold of me and I yelled out a horrible scream as I felt something snap. My ribs maybe? I have never felt so much pain like this before. Am I going to die? What's going to happen? Tears streamed down my cheeks. Someone...anyone please help me...I....I don't wanna die!

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