48. Losing her wasn't an option

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Losing her wasn't an option; it was unthinkable, a nightmare he refused to entertain. He knew one thing for certain: he would do whatever it took to keep her by his side. She was his anchor, his reason to fight, and he was willing to sacrifice anything to make her his own.

Third Person's Pov,

Rishabh's office hummed with the glow of his computer screen, the only source of light in the dimly lit room. He was engrossed in his work, meticulously crafting his presentation with furrowed brows. Each click of the keyboard echoed through the otherwise silent space, his concentration palpable.

The door swung open, and in strolled Shaurya, exuding an aura of carefree energy. He whistled a tune, completely unaware of Rishabh's intense focus. Ignoring his brother's stern expression, Shaurya plopped down into Rishabh's chair, spinning it around playfully.

"Hey bro! What's up?" Shaurya chimed, his grin wide and infectious.

Rishabh sighed, torn from his work by his brother's intrusion. "I'm busy, Shaurya. Can't you see?" he replied, his voice edged with irritation.

But Shaurya paid no mind to Rishabh's obvious frustration. Instead, he leaned back in the chair, crossing his arms nonchalantly.

"Busy? With what? Come on, bro, you can't bury yourself in work all the time," Shaurya protested, his tone teasing.

Rishabh shot him a glare, his patience wearing thin. "I have a presentation due tomorrow. It's crucial," he explained, hoping Shaurya would take the hint and leave him in peace.

However, Shaurya seemed unfazed by his brother's workload. In fact, he leaned forward with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"A presentation, huh? Well, I've got a proposition for you," Shaurya began, a sly grin spreading across his face.

Rishabh raised an eyebrow, wary of what his brother had in mind. "What kind of proposition?"

Shaurya's grin widened as he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Since you're getting married soon, I thought we could celebrate. Consider it a bachelor party of sorts."

Rishabh shook his head as if he expected it from him. "A bachelor party? Here? Now? Not tonight. Some other day okay. I really need to finish this presentation." he explained, hoping Shaurya would take the hint and leave him in peace.

However, Shaurya seemed unfazed by his brother's workload,  "Why not? Live a little, bro! Let's hit the club, have a few drinks, dance the night away. It'll be fun, I promise." 

"I can't afford to take a break right now. This is important, Shaurya. I need to get it right," he insisted, his tone resolute.

Shaurya isn't one to take no for an answer. With a determined gleam in his eye, he grabbed Rishabh's arm and pulled him out of his chair.

"Come on, bro. You only get married once! Let's make some memories," Shaurya urged, his enthusiasm infectious.

And with that, Rishabh found himself reluctantly agreeing and they left the office together. Little did he know, this impromptu celebration would be one for the books, a night he'd never forget, for better or for worse.

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