chapter 33

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“Someone who pretended to be my friend who was only after my money.”

“You figured it out then it took you long enough,” laughs Jade.

“You knew this woman hurt our sister along with her friend.  You not only accept that but tried to sell her wedding photos to the highest bidder after she forgave us.”  Kimberly rounds on her brother, “How could you?”

“Don’t act like you don’t hate her Kimberly.”

“I don’t.  I love my sister but yes I’ll admit I’m jealous of her. She has a good heart, job and husband so I worry I’m not good enough for her. I’m trying to better myself and find a man that’s in her income bracket. In the hope she will accept me. I realize how rude I was in London.  I was jealous since her other sister is a princess but Ethan.  I would never go out of my way to cause her pain or be okay with someone hurting a member of our family.”

“It’s okay she isn’t really our kin.”

Mary slaps him, “Get out my sight. After all she did for you, for us. How could you say something like that. I raised you better than this.”

“He’s my dad not hers I’m not leaving. She is the one who should leave.”

“It’s alright mum we had an hour to say hi to dad by ourselves,” says April sadly.

At Mary’s, “I’m sorry I was late mum. I got a job as a candy stripper in the next town over. Traffic was bad I’m trying to get some hospital experience before college starts in the fall.”

“You got accepted then?”

“Yes, April I did.  I’m going to NYU in the fall. I’ve been ignoring you because I felt embarrassed about how I behaved towards you in the past. Then I felt guilty that I was able to quit my job and purse my dreams because of you.”

“Kimberly there’s no need to feel guilty and you don’t need to feel like you’re not good enough for me.  You should’ve explained how you were feeling.  You really should have called or emailed me.”

“When I got into medical school I went by your apartment to tell you the good news.  It turns out you no longer live there. I figured you didn’t want us to know your new address.  So I didn’t tell the rest of the family you moved. After today I can see you were right to not tell Ethan. I’m sorry for what he said family isn’t only blood you know. You’re my sister and I meant what I said I won’t betray you.”

“My siblings said you were standoffish with them at the wedding Kimberly.”

“I was but that’s because of alcohol and nerves and if I’m being honest being a grade A bitch. I think I flirted with your brother but don’t worry Ashton I’m not interested in him that would be just weird. Siblings marrying the sibling’s husband’s brother,” she shudders.

“The new gravestone is lovely by the way mum.  Kimberly you’re forgiven. I can’t speak for Ashton but I forgive you.”

“Thank you, April.”

“I accept your apology, Kimberly.”

“Thank you, Ashton.”

“I can’t believe Ethan doesn’t think of me as his sister anymore.”

“For three years Jade has been poisoning him against you and no doubt using sex as a weapon.”

April sees Ashton stiffen at her mother’s words.

“Or maybe she isn’t using sex as a weapon and he’s just plain evil. She never once told me he called.  He may be a different person if she did. He probably hates me for not returning his calls and she saw the billions of dollars attached to me.”

“So of course she would date him,” finishes Kimberly. “That cow.”

That night Ashton holds April close to him in bed,”I love you.”

She looks up at him in surprise, “I love you too.”

On the day they were due to leave Nebraska Ethan could be heard screaming, “Where is she? April why is my bank balance zero.”

April and Ashton walk out their rooms with a suitcase each which a bodyguard takes from them. Ethan and Jade sees them coming out of the hotel.  “The money is gone all the money you gave me is gone.”

“I’m confuse. Why are you telling me Ethan as if I can do something about it?  If you used up all that money in just a few months that’s your issue not mine.”

“April, I know you did something with the money.”

“I’m not a bank so legally I can’t touch it.”

He looks bewildered,”Maybe your new wife stole it.  I mean if she can date you knowing she never once told me you called. She sure as hell can betray you. Don’t you think so?”

“Is what April saying true Jade? You never told her I called her office.?”

“It doesn’t matter,” insists Jade.

“It does matter because I thought I was reaching out to her and she didn’t care,” screams Ethan.

“We still have the rainy-day fund Ethan we can more that live comfortably on it.”

“I’m going to leave you two to bicker amongst yourselves.  I’m taking mum with me because she doesn’t need to be around this craziness,” says Kimberly.

“Home at last. Did you really take all his money away from him Ashton?”

“Yes, I did darling and Jade is in for a surprise when she finds herself without a penny to her name.”

“I wonder how many businesses have a Jade or a Brad working in it happily blackmailing their work colleagues and clients.”

“I don’t know April and frankly I don’t care as long as one of them isn’t working for our business or our family’s business I’m happy.”

“You told me you love me.”

“That’s because I do.”

‘Was it because of the mayhem yesterday?”

“April you still need to work on taking a compliment I see.”

She kisses him, “It would seem so. Now it’s one p.m. and we have work tomorrow. Do me.”

“You don’t need to tell me twice,” he kisses her passionately.

“Wow, sex is a great stress reliever.”

He laughs at her, “Yes it really is. We have been married for four months now.”

“You’re counting the days.” Ask April.

“Of course, aren’t you April?”

“Yes, but I count from the moment we first met. I’m glad we have this time for ourselves as a couple before children come into the mix. I can’t wait to get pregnant and feel our child change my body and feel its first kick.  For now I’m content with what we have.”

“So am I.  Are you still not taking the contraceptive pill?” Ask Ashton.

“Yes I’m not taking it.  Even though we don’t use condoms I still haven’t fallen pregnant yet.”

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