Part 3 Go time

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UUUUUUu gggg I'm bored again come of cubs lets go play in the snow. Rani giggles you guys have fun I am going to go talk to the night pride. Kion smiles because his plan is working perfectly. Ya ok do whatever you want. Rani raises an eyebrow at him starting to become suspicious but chooses to ignore it and walks off to go and talk to the night pride.

Come on cubs lets go meet Surea and Azaad at the watering hole, they said that they were going to come play with us too.

YAYYYYYYY the cubs shout as they run off.

Kion giggles and rolls his eyes in a playful way and chases after them. Wait for me he shouts catching up to them. Sorry dad we can't we have to go see Surea so we can go play in the snow with her.... This is going to be so much fun. O you have no idea Kion mumbles to himself. When they get there Rija and Sawa start to wrestle each other  while they wait for Azaad and Surea to get there.

Azaad, Fuli, and Surea finished eating and Surea is already bouncing around. I can take her for a while if you want Azaad said to Fuli. Didn't you say last night that she was a handful and you don't know how I do it besides what are you going to do with her? I am going to take her up to the snow and Rija and Sawa are going to be there too also I don't know what you are talking about ok bye Azaad said in a trying to act dumb voice. Fuli was a little suspicious of what he was up to as she watched Azaad and Surea run away in the distance But let it go..... at least for now cause she still thinks that he is up to something. Surea: Wait dad... did you say that we are going to play with Rija and Sawa in the snow? Yep. Yay I am so excited and she ran off towards the mountains. Wait your going the wrong way, we are meeting them at the watering hole. Surea comes to a screeching stop, turns around and runs the opposite way towards the watering hole. Azaad starts to laugh as he follows his daughter. When they get there they can see Kion laying in the grass and his cubs wrestling each other. Are we late Azaad asked Kion? No no not at all we just got here ourselves. Ok good. 

Kion and Azzad both speak at the same time: who's ready to go play in the snow. I am Sawa said. Me, too Surea said. Me three Rija chimed in. Ok well lets get a move on then. They all eventually get to the top of the mountain where all the snow is and the cubs immediately start playing in it and screaming fun screams if they get a snowball to the face. All right you three stay here where we can see you, we are just going to talk over there under that tree. Kion points to a tree in the distance with a small amount of ice around it with his claw. Ok shouted Rija and Sawa still continuing to play and throw snowballs at each other. After Kion and Azaad get to the tree they began to talk. Ok so what do we do now? Now it's time for the funny part, we need to catch them together and off guard for this to work. Ok but how do we do that. We can tell them that there is something waiting for them up at the falls and then we can push them off into the wate-  I forgot that Fuli doesn't like water. Ya maybe something else then? Ok how about this How about I push Rani off into the water and you smash a big snow ball on the top of her head. O that might work Azaad starts to smile. This is going to be funny. Ya this is revenge Rani Kion said while laughing. They look over to see what the cubs are doing and they are sitting in a circle building a snow penguin.  Hay Kion I have an idea. Ok what is it follow me and grab as much snow as you can. They both grabbed snow and they rolled it up into a big snowball. With the snowball they crept up behind the cubs and shouted Boo. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA they all yelled. Hey guys we have a surprise for you. Really what is it? Here it is, right as they said that they grabbed the snowball and smashed it on their heads. They all began to laugh as they are trying to escape the snowy mess. You covered us in snow Rija giggles! KIon smiles come on we should probably go back home no its getting late. awwwwwwwwwww cant we stay a little longer please. No Kion's right we should be headed back it is getting dark. Fine. 

They all walked back to their layers said night and Kion fell asleep thinking about what he would do to Rani in the morning for putting flowers in his main.

{Sorry this chapter was a little shorter but the rest will be longer.}

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now