Part 37 Fright And Fight

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Once Bititi laid her eyes on Scar all of her memories came flooding back to her as she remembered what Scar did to her family. All of a sudden Bititi's nightmare from that morning popped into her head and right as it did something clicked inside of her and her body went limp as she was frozen in place and unable to make because she was filled with fright. She began breathing hard and loud enough for Hasani to hear. Bititi was so scared that she began slowly backing up away from everyone. Hasani looked confused as he slowly walked over to Bititi because he heard her breathing and saw he backing up but as he inched towards her he made sure not to take one eye off of Scar and his followers just in case they tried to make a move. Bititi didn't notice Hasani walking up to her because her heart and breathing was moving too fast and that was the only thing she was paying attention to. Bititi couldn't take it anymore the only words she could hear in her head was ''run....'' Hasani was about to ask Bititi what was going on when she ran away as fast as she could into their den.

Everyone saw that Bititi ran away and they made the mistake of taking their eyes off of Scar. Scar smirked as all the eyes left him and he took this as an opportunity to start the fight. Scar unleashed his claws and jumped onto Kion knocking him down on the ground. Scar clawed at Kion from his neck down to the end of his stomach. Kion roared in pain and hearing this Rani whipped her head around to see Scar on top of KIon. Rani ran forward and head butted Scar off of Kion and when she did Scar hit a rock and blacked out. This made Scar's army rage ''ATTACK'' one of them yelled. As one of the leopards said that they all started attacking. They caught Hasani off guard making him fall but Hasani stood up on his hind legs and clawed at the leopards faces making them lose their grip on Hasani. When they fell on the ground Hasani ran over and helped KIon fight the seven leopards he had to fight by himself and amazingly Kion was beating them. Scar woke up to see everyone was fighting and slowly Scar crept away in the direction Bititi ran in.

Bititi ran into her den with memories flooding her head ''Help me Bititi.....Run....hide......fight...''. Bititi needed a few minutes to think so she walked to the corner of her den now with a headache. Bititi was about to fall asleep when someone walked in. At first Bititi thought it was Hasani so she didn't care and went back to falling asleep but (Hasani) didn't say anything to he and just kept walking. Once he got close enough she realized it was definitely not Hasani but it was Scar. 

Bititi was scared for her life as she tried running away but then a pain she had never felt before shot through her body and she fell on the ground clenching her stomach. Scar didn't know right then why Bititi was screaming in pain but he enjoyed it. 

Hasani just happened to look over at the spot where Scar was supposed to be laying but he wasn't there. Before Hasani could react to anything he heard a blood curling scream coming from inside his cave and he knew it came from Bititi.

Hasani stopped what he was doing and ran to the cave only to find Scar standing over the top of Bititi and had just started slowly clawing at her stomach. Bititi was too weak and in too much pain from her stomach and Scar to fight back, the only thing she could do was lay there. Hasani knew if Scar clawed down any closer to Bititi's stomach they would Shirley lose the Cubs at the pressure scar was pushing at. Hasani had to do something, he ran at full speed towards Scar and smacked him across the face with his claws making him fall off of Bititi. 

Scar moaned in pain and Hasani ran over to Bititi to make sure she was ok. ''Bititi are you ok'' Hasani asked while wiping Bititi's tears away. Bititi smiled a little still in pain ''I am now''. Bititi whispered into Hasani's ear ''Hasani hold Scar down i'm done putting up with all his nonsense....I don't want to lose more family and friends from him''. Hasani was a little confused about what she was planning but expected her request. Hasani crept up behind Scar and right as Scar was about to get up has any pounced on him putting him down on the ground with his back facing up. "Get off of me!'' Scar yelled trying to get up.  Bititi walked over to Scar and smirked ''why don't you get the ground!'' Scar was confused ''what?''... But before Scar could do or think anything else Bititi sunk her teeth into Scar's neck. Scar screamed for a minute and took his last breath........ before he was gone. His limp body laid on the ground motionless as Hasani got off of him and Bititi let go of Scar's neck. 

Hasani walked out of the den to go help Kion and Rani fight the leopards. Bititi walked out of the den close behind Hasani but now, even slower because she was limping. Hasani noticed she was limping and circled back around to let Bititi lean on him. All of the leopards were down on the ground and done fighting so Bititi walked over to Kion. "Kion what would you do if I told you Scar was dead'' Bititi asked looking a little worried, after all that was Kion's grandfather. Kion breathed a sigh of relief ''hooo, so much stress would be lifted off of my chest,...why?'' Bititi smiled and looked over at Hasani. Hasani walked off and came back pulling Scar's dead body over towards Kion. Kion smiled when he saw that ''Asante thank you Bititi''. Bititi smiled ''your welcome''. 

Kion and Rani Surprise attackΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα