Part 18 Destruction

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Feeling better about himself knowing Rani will always be there by his side but still his scar was just barely hurting walked off with Rani and a smiled on his face. Knowing they were about to get to their destination Rani started to talk to Kion"you know how last night we were talking about telling Bititi and Hasani that they liked each other''. Kion raised an eyebrow" ya why did something happen''? "you could say that '' Rani said with a smile on her face and now walking into Bititi's den. "Shhhh look''.Kion looked over and smiled as he could see Hasani asleep on the floor next to Bititi and Bititi laying down with her head resting on his shoulder'' also asleep. Kion smiled '' they are so cute'' Kion whispered to Rani. " I know they are ... but so are you''. Kion blushed a little as Rani kissed him and started to walk off back to their layer '' come on let's leave these hopefully new dewo alone''. Kion smiled but turned around and started walking back with Rani now having full control over his scar for it was no longer hurting. 

1 weeks earlier

When Kion roared at Scar and sent him flying he landed hard on the ground and had to recover.

When Kion roared at the strange figures with rage with almost killing Rani Kion killed most of them but fore managed to survive but not without a few broken bones and one of them was the boss of the figures.

Scar was furious but knew his plan had failed. He knew Kion would just take Bititi back to the tree and heal her. The only thing Scar was pleased with was the fact that he had almost killed her and if he had an almost he could only imagine what could happen if he had help. 

While Scar was thinking of a new plan to get revenge he was walking around and pacing but not reolising where he was going. He came across a cave and walked in to find fore mail leopards talking in a circle. The leopards turned around to see a lion with a scar across his face trespassing. "Hey who goes there'' on of the leopards shouted. "Relax I come in peace but may I ask what happened to get you fore so beating up''. ''ugg we went to this place called the tree of life and the king sent me and my leap (AKA a group of leopards) flying killing most of my leap''. ''Huu you must be talking about Kion yes I have had some uuuhhh inconvenience with him and if you want you can help me'' Scar asked.  

"The leaders eyes lit up ''i'm in and my name is mharibifu and I am their leader, mharibifu points to the rest of the leopards with his paw ''and what is your name''? "Scar walks closer  to him '' my name is Scar''. Mharibifu froze as he remembered the legion of Scar! Mharibifu means destroyer. 

Back in the present

 Kion and Rani got back to their layer and Makini was waiting for them outside because the cubs were still sleeping but they were soon to wake up because it was almost morning. " thank you for watching them Makini'' Rani thanks. "You're welcome'' Makini said while walking back to her tree. Kion walked into their lawyer thinking about all the stuff him and Rani talked about. "You ok'' Rani asked while laying down next to him again? "Kinda....I am still a little scared that I might do something''. Rani smiled in a loving way and nuzzled Kion's chin with her head '' don't worry I am going to heal your scar and then you will have nothing to worry about ''. Kion smiled feeling better '' thanks'' ''your welcome''. They both fell asleep as silence filled the night. 

Bititi woke up a couple hours later but didn't want to get up because she was just too happy that she got to sleep with Hasani. It was light out and Bititi had finally gotten up. Bititi looked at Hasani as she got up and then ran off to go get some breakfast for herself and Hasani. 

Kion woke up first and smiled at Rani who was still sound asleep on his chest remembering a couple of hours ago when Rani said that she would always be by his side. Kion wanted to go on a walk and maybe bring back some food for his family. Kion started to get up but Rani stopped him with a small mone '' mmhh do you have to leave.'' Kion smiled at him mate wormily '' yes I am just going on a walk....., how about I bring back some breakfast''? "Fine but don't get yourself into trouble or anything crazy''. Kion smiled as he rolled his eyes and started walking away but Rani stopped him before he could get too far. "Kion wait'' Kion turned around to see Rani walking up to him and when she got to him she used her paw to pull Kion's face towards hers until they were in a kiss. Rani pulled away '' ok now you can go '' Rani said smiling. ''wow ok'' Kion said between blushes and ran off, he loved it when Rani did that to him. Rani watched until Kion completely vanished before she walked back into the layer falling back asleep. 

Bititi found a buffalo and followed it to the tall grass where she could hunt it. Bititi waited for the right moment before she could pounce. She jumped on the buffalo's back while it was bucking trying to escape the predator. Bititi dug her claws into its back for better grip and bit its neck making it fall on the ground. It wasn't dead yet because it was still squirming on the ground. Bititi gave it two more bites on the neck making it now lay motionless on the ground. Bititi was happy with her hunt and dragged it back to her den to share it with Hasani. 

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