Part 4 The battle

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Rani and Kion were sleeping in their layer until Rani started to get hot. She got off the rock that she and Kion were sleeping on and went outside to lay down where it was cooler. Kion wakes up a few minutes later and he realizes that Rani was gone.He went outside and found her lying in the grass. Kion: what are you doing out here? Rani:I was hot.'' ''Are you still hot?'' " Ya a little.'' ''How about we go for a walk and cool off." " That sounds nice''. Come on lets go ask Makini if she can watch Rija and Sawa. oK lets go. With Sawa and Rija walking close behind their mom and dad they reached Makinis tree. 

Makini, you awak Kion asked? A few seconds later a mandril popped her head out of her tree. O hay Kion, yes I have been away for awhile now do you need something?. Um yes actually.. do you think you could watch Rija and Sawa for a little while? O sounds fun I have been wanting to play with these little fur balls for a wile now so sure.

"Thanks Makini"

"You're welcome"

Kion and Rani both left for their walk up to the mountain pass when it was still dark out. They walked up to the path to find at least 20 black figures trying to sneak into the tree of life. Rani: Who are you? Kion and Rani jumped down off the mountain to meet these strange animals. ''Answer this question first,are you guys the protectors of the tree of life?''Ya why''. " O grate, we take them out then the tree of life will be ours.'' ''Attack!'' Kion and Rani were shocked as all 20 figures started running towards them. They all started to fight, having Rani and Kion totally outnumbered. ''What do we do''? "Nothing we can do, if we leave to go get help then will get through''. "Wait I'v got an idea get behind me''. "Ok" . Figure: I don't think so. He ran towards Rani and punched her having her land on top of a sharp rock before she blacked out. Kion looked over at Rani to see a trail of blood leading from her. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!. The same thing we're going to do to you. The figure jumped up to attack Kion but Kion's scar was not yet fully healed and him seeing his mate knocked out unconscious triggered it. Kion enraged and roared one of his most powerful roars he had ever used sending all of the mysterious bad guys flying far far away. Kion ran over to Rani desperately trying to wake her up. Rani did not wake up but Kion knew that she was still alive. Kion needed to get help. He gently picked up Rani placing her on his back so he could carry her. 

Kion was about half way up the mountain pass before the rest of the night pride and lion guard came running up to him. Fuli: Kion are you ok we all heard your roar and came as soon as we could. With tears in his eyes he shook his head no. Its Rani, she way attacked and was bleeding before she blacked out.

Nermala with sorrow in her words spoke calmly to Kion. Bring her back to the Tree Of Life, I will check on her there. They all walked there and when they got there Kion laid Rani down on the rock so Nermalla and Makini could take a look at her. Nermala: Makini can you get some water and some leaves to help Rani with her bleeding, she was badly injured in a fight? O yes I will do that right away Makini said while starting to gather the materials that they needed. Makini started to work on Rani's cuts and brushes while Nirmala started on her remedy. Kion was pacing back and forth in the layer with a sad look on his face. Fuli noticed this and walked ov to where Kion was pacing.

" Kion are you ok"

No i'm not, he said sadly. When the enemies hurt Rani my scar took over and it made me roar at them in anger sending them flying. I would not be surprised if I destroyed them in the process. What if my scar takes over again but this time I use my Roar on a good guy. Kion looked sad and Fuli couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Fuli nudged Kion trying to make him feel better. I know you won't do that Kion. Kion looked up at fuli, how do you know that? I know that because I know you and I also know that you will fight the urge to hurt someone.Thanks Fuli Kion said with a smile now on his face.  Makini had now taken care of Rani's cuts and bruises and Nermala was on the rock about to heal Rani with the tree. Nirmala placed one paw on Rani's back and the other on the tree branch. 

The tree began to glow bright yellow as Nirmala closed her eyes. Rani was now healed but she needed rest. She slowly began to open her eyes and lift her head. W..what h...happened Rani asked confused? Let Kion tell you. Kion Rani is awake now you can come in. Kion walked into the layer over to Rani with a smile on his face. How do you feel he asked? I feel better now thanks, but what happened to those mysterious animals Rani asked curiously? ''I lost my temper and Roared one of my most powerful roars at them sending them flying very far away''. Everyone left the king and queen alone so they could talk in private. Kion told Rani what happened and when he was done she hopped off the rock she was laying on and licked Kion on the cheek." I'm glad I have you by my side". "And you always will" Kion said to her now walking out of the tree of life together. Kion smiled at his mate wormily," would you like to finish our walk now. Rani laughed" yes I would". They both started walking off and eventually found themselves walking around the whole tree before they got back to it. They heard sobs in the background cumming from an unexpected lion but she was just out of view. Rani ran up to her and before she could think or say any words she was hugging her old BFF from when they were cubs, Bititi, Bititi means strong women.                                                                      

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                                                                        Bititi means Strong Women

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now